Avril Lavigne

Monday, February 28, 2005

Today 28 Feb 05 my last day of work...since last year i being working n studying untill last year dec 04 at last no need to work le...but soon gone be ns liao...today i call guohao help me wash photo...that photo was take by me...lolx.still not bad.kaka!!at last O level result over le, saw deb not so stress anymore...jonnthan not so happy with that grade (25).that not bad aldz...xuelan daughter get grade 7, like very haolian...i believe if time went back 10 year ago i maybe get 6 ba...lolx.remember all from book then go for exam.hehe!!too bad even go back 10 year i dun think i can get 6...haha~!~tml going to police hq n sign on with them, but scare cannot...meeting simon go with me cause i scare to go alone actully...meet him 10am...but i think i gone overslp...hopefully can get up in time ba...tml going back to sns return some stuff then maybe chat awhile then go home ba.feel like hugging~!~!~lolx...10 day more to reach 11 march 05...i try cooked myself but like fail.all the food become black black 1...how they cook sia.haiz...black also must eat.pity hor...hungry mah...feeling like watching other vcd...but nvr buy it...saving $$ for new phone...thinking of buying some clothes for going out ba...so long no shopping le.maybe finding some1 go shopping with me.help me choose too.lolx...during dinner i asked mui keow go escape park to play before i go in...but she say dun want...!_!... ask me look for deb n rx to go...bah!~!~ at least 4 pple go then fun mah...how nice if all go with me...must be day dreaming again...NiteZzz...

Xiong at 6:22 PM

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Today 27 Feb 05 went to work as noraml.today is deb last day working at sns...I treated her dinner for farewell...Hope she get gd result...Now i started to miss her le...tml is my last day working at sns.after so long at last i leave that place...but going to hell in earth...lolx.just bath out not long n feel hungry le, cooked some noodle with mushrooms n eggs...hehe!! try new way to cook it dun know will stomache anot...actully today i ask mui keow to help me tell lie..lolx!!! cause i know if they know the drink is i treat again...they may not accept.haha!!!When closing account deb went to buy some thing for cake ba...i wonder she bake nice anot?? so long no eat CAKE le...i asked her for some comments...she also not so sure about it, but she told me if i really like it so much i can go ahead...maybe that right!!! I miss Escape park...hope got pple go with me n have fun with me before i went for ns...Tml 28 feb 05 le, O Level result r out, i know deb scared to see her result...but she sure pass...i go eat my noodle le...NiteZZzz!!!Piglet...

Xiong at 6:30 PM

Today 26 Feb 05 is my birthday.By right i would be happy...But i dun feel happy at all...just now went to sns to return clothes n went down to ps meet gmum.she bring me go raffle to Eat Tom yam soup, beef fried rice and thai ota...she even bought me polo wallet which look nice...but i not happy at all...just now i even nearly fight with some small kids just because i not in gd mood n i lose my temper...lolx.2 more day to go...i going to be free from sns.So bored!!! on tuesday going out with simon to find that idoit place...i think i going to sign on with spf ba...hope i have no regret with it...Now waiting for sis to come back ba...maybe going out later with friend to chat.since so long never meet n relax...today dun know why suddenly feel like going to church again since so long never go le.maybe bored ba or feel like singing.lolx...just now at sns i even ask xiaohuzi to go church with me but he tell me inside very bored.~_~...

Xiong at 3:00 PM

Friday, February 25, 2005

Now 26 Feb 05 my birthday...no one sing birthday song for me...quiet sad...today i went to work at 6.30pm.lolx...i dun want go 1 but elise call me...haiz!!! today i get present from dry good suppler kenny... he sweet loh, give me present with card... that card put happy birthday, xiong May your days be filled with peace n joy God Bless U!!! he know i like peace n joy...actully last time my earring is joy...but since i lose 1 side so i stop wearing it...untill now other joy still in my bag.This was my happy thing for today...i get my ns letter from CMPB...They idoit say i too fit for police force...ask me stay in 2sir...kns!!!!they say i can ask for sign on...still give me addresss somemore...idoit!!! Now thinking or maybe tml going down to find xiaohuzi, see he can help me anot.sian tml have to wear formal again...hate to wear that so hot, but too bad have to go for dinner at 7.30pm at ps...hehe!! i asked present from my 2rd sis but she ask me want wat... i asked for vcd...lolx!!!other sad news, my gd brother ah ma just pass away yesterday afternoon...maybe i going for songka ba...that voucher still not found n just 1 voucher can from friend become @#$#@....That the bad thing i hate at sns...hopefully everything will be peace...result going to come out le...hope u can get flying colour.DEBORAH...NiteZzzz

Xiong at 6:55 PM

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Today 24 Feb 05 i saw deb cry again...but the way she cry r so cute...lolx.i wonder why pple change so fast just facing problem...cause of 1 gift voucher n make deb cry for nothning!!! I sat on that floor for more then 2 hr.just sitting down pasting import label...while pasting banana n mui keow walked toward me n sing birthday song...err...so touching...so long no hear birthday song le...tml kenny the suppler coming to find me.just wanted to give me my birthday present..bah...debx...u have to be careful hor...dun talk to them if no need...if not will get more trouble...copy me dun talk to any1 unless needed!!!not to trust any1 from cashier aunty loh...u will learn a lesson after this...i also like u.being scold just not long after work there...n i know which idiot keep on spamming...i can only tell u be more careful working there ba...Btw u cry look so cute!~!~lolx...but dun cry too much...maybe look ugly hor!!lolx...NiteZ

Xiong at 5:52 PM

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Today 23 Feb 05 i wake up at 2pm, raymond call me again.lolx...damm tired...maybe i clean the wine room + i ran for jogging everyday during dinner ba...Today i eat beef fried rice during dinner.this is my 2rd time eating that cause i dun know want to eat wat...then think of that.lolx... nice to eat.maybe tml eating that again ba...today deb touch my hair again...that feeling let me kind of my younger day...every1 was touch my head.hehe~~Today that er xin guy called me to help him look out for hq email again...omg that was so easy command yet he dun know wat to do with it...haiz!!!Even i was eating also want call me to do...next time dinner dun want eat in office le.he so fan...lolx!!!Mala tell me that my hair look badly today...maybe she not used to see i never comb my short hair ba!~!~she say i look like just wake up!!! but no chance to keep long le.anyway i dun like to keep too long ba.just lazy to cut...i miss my tail !~!~ Deb treated me drink HL milk today...that was really nice of her.Maybe she know me well ba...lolx.know that i will drink milk everytime...maybe milk was like water!!! 5 More day to go...today gmum called me again asked me go out this sat for dinner...haiz!!! make me scare...Hopefully not those high class dinner!~!~! Today i leave early then noramlly, cause no one accompany walk. while i was waiting for bus sitting there listening to song i looked down on my leg n i jumped...That was so maru...every1 looking at me...idiot xiaoqiang!!!! Today xiaohuzi pass me his namecard... that was his church card...wah!! maybe this coming sunday i going to his church ba...Hope tml will be better day ba...Letter when r u coming to me... I wish...I Wish u can get gd result...Hopefully i can get in my dream too...(SPF)!!!

Xiong at 5:40 PM

Today 22 Feb 05 i went work as noraml...But today more hardworking.while i working halfway deb hit my head while running to behind ba...she say i never apply wax more nicer...lolx...First time n first gal say that to me.hehe...so happy!!!So Tired after cleaning the wine room, but still not finish only halfway doing that...But i being scolded by joyce for listening to mp3 while working...must be that idiot tell off...i will remember that...er xin tell off me still plan to be to kindest...still infront of me n raymond ask me dun listen to mp3 while working...haha.raymond also dun care at long as i done my work...i will make er xin pay back double...any1 who work there must beware of er xin guy 03....today i finally find my song 零 n today listen whole day just that song....lolx...

Xiong at 12:10 AM

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Today 21 Feb 05 i went to CMPB to apply for spf n now waiting for their reply...hopefully can get in...since i come back home n watch the vcd untill now...that cool n nice...That show have 1 song very nice but i cannot find that song...Haiz!! Name is 零...maybe going to find that cd ba...sian dun feel like working...Maybe tml dun want go again...hopefully some1 have this song n send to me...

Xiong at 3:30 AM

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Today 20 Feb 05 this few day i feeling some1 is avoiding me n i dun trust my sense.But in the end i think my sense is correct~~~Just now went to work during noon n playing water while working in meat room.lolx so long no play water le.feel so great!!!I first time use my skill doing my work just now.lolx!!!that funny too taking off my shoes n change planogam...Tml i need go to CMPB le...Wanted to tranfer so spf from 2 SIR...GOD BLESS ME!!!My sister bring back vcd again call MARS in english...very nice show. i love it!!! tml i dun want go work le.stay at home watch vcd...lolx.Recently i think deb is avoiding me.maybe angry with me ba...But since i chat with yeo guy...I think it time for me to seal my heart.Maybe i can plan for future le...wanted to buy my dream car at age of 21.hopeful got $$ to buy.lolx...5 yr of sign on with spf maybe not bad ba... but need one-year probation period...haiz!!!Go Watch Show le!!!!NiteZZ

Xiong at 6:40 PM

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Today 19 Feb 05...I listen to other pple comments about spf n ns.if i choose spf will need to sign on for 5 yr.but if i go in ns i scare i cant make it too xiong for me...If early i listen to deb go further study then maybe now will not so fan le.haiz!!!Anyway too late for me le.monday going down to cmpb to check out about my tranfer to spf.see they can help me tranfer to spf from ns without sign on...This coming 26 feb i think i have to stay at home le.no steamboat to eat le...all fnds going to stay in camps for exam...deb off on friday too.cannot go too.haiz!!!SAD~_~!!Hope got pple date me out to celebrate my birthday...i so fan about ns matter...WHO CAN HELP ME!!!!Hopefully can tranfer to spf...Today i feel that every1 is busy!!!No time talk to me!!! Anyway i used to be alone for so long..........Went for some jogging after dinner just now, now leg pain le...maybe tml will have better day for me....NiteZ!!!!

Xiong at 6:00 PM

Friday, February 18, 2005

Today 18 Feb 05 i nvr turn up on tt dinner with Gmum Ni lie to her too...I told her that i went to train and forget time...But since last night i being staying at home.i slp at 7 am in the morning and wake up at 12 noon...today my fnd call me and ask me about my ns and he say something which make me unhappy...( HE SAY I GOING TO ORD LIAO - U GOING IN LIAO )~!~!~then i got no mood le...untill now i still feel bad that lie to Gmum...but i really went for jogging just now...so today i only have 1 meal in the noon n no more eating le...now abilt hungry but no milk le...just not long my Gmum called me...i knew she is ANGRY with me...but i dun wish to go that dinner...Sry Gmum~!~!~!~Haiz!!!I Force myself to train more even i cannot do.scare tt i cannot apply spf n need to go army...hope tml website can apply le...Today i call yeo again n he at sgh operation...i shocked!! yesterday just talking with him n today he need operation...tt sad!~!~ hope tml i will not lose my temper on other pple...FEELING REALLY BAD TO DO THAT TO GMUM!!!!feel like my heart being cut off...so pain...1 more week will be my birthday le.going to 19 liao.hope for steamboat at marine bay, hope got many pple go...Haiz body so pain n tired.Time to slp le...NiteZ... ~_~-->SORRY GMUM...

Xiong at 5:30 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2005

17 Feb 05 i wake up late again.lolx~!~!Today yeo jonnthan come find me and we have chat at 608...We chated alot...Dun know for wat reason i scold mui keow when i help to pack...lolx come to think about it, i think tt is funny helping her pack but she keep on talking...that make me no peace.lolx!~!~Today i saw warehouse uncle again, he knew tt i going to ns soon and he told me to train first!~! He teach me do diamond push up untill i cannot make it...lolx!~But i really do it~!~Now hand still pain.lolx!!! when i going home, my fnd called me n told me about his training... i scared when i heard it... he told me first day of training the officer force them to do it...tt must be hell of earth ba...soon will be my turn...so i went for jogging since i reach home... i jog for 3 round n stop le...tt really boring~hoping some1 can jog with me together!~!~hehe.tml is friday le i dun feel like going to ps to have dinner...thinking of bruffing my Gmum tt i have to work...tt bad but i dun want her to spent too much $$ on me...haiz!!! Now waiting for my birthday to come n i going to ask fnd go for steamboat...I MISS TT!!! but anyway i dun eat prawn.lolx...maybe just beef or chicken ba... hope that day all my fnd r free to go with me...maybe tt may be my last dinner with them ba...I going for my dream...i found the website for spf le but needed weight to be 54kg. but i only 50 only.lolx...but nvm i try to put on weight ba...i think i tml apply for it then tell my parent ba...hope they change their mind...even no i also must go for it...that my dream...Feel like going for ice-ski... so long no play le.haiz!!Today have meeting with raymond again...he want me to use my brain to help him since 1 more week.ok i try my best to help him ba...but that hard...i alone how to keep the wine room free...i drink ?lolx...

Xiong at 6:45 PM

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Now is 17 Feb 05, time is 1.47am le...I feeling Down for no reason...This few day i like day dreaming alot...like today i walked pass deb yet i dun know ~_~ !!! I dun know wat is happening to me... No mood to work n keep saying bored or sian, maybe going in ns le ba...Just now my 3rd sis and elder sis come home with my brother-in-law to pray...That was so noisy that i cannot do my work then have to go down walk walk...Hehe like very bo liao hor...I wondering how i pass my life time in this few year?? just lie to myself that i am doing fine or just fool around with fnds? Just now during my dinner i thinking of my past n future again, wat to do after my ns?? work or study...actully i being asking some question from raymond... but he told me not to listen to too much comments... he told me that E.g If i no mood to study for now why not just go in ns first n come out then think about study... yah that wat i think too... but i have my own dream...i thinking of become spf with that smart clothes...Too bad i dun think i have this chance le cause mostly my family dun agree with it...say that i am the only boy...damm like i want to be the only boy!!!Haiz...Headache about this... maybe i just go complete my ns first then study for my peg first ba...now i think about past i regret le...Doing those stupid thing E.g running away from sch, smoking, hanging around bully pple lar...That is like idoit without brain...Too bad is too late le!!! Hope now can save my future ba~!~! I want walk to my dream hoping that some1 can support me...Hope that after my ns i can walk closer to my dream...hope that no one will follow my footstep ba...Come to think about it parents alway helping childs....That may be right...

Xiong at 6:15 PM

Today is 16 Feb 05 n i over slp le...today i slp is so comfortable, long time dun have this feeling le... maybe due to my spray ba i nvr use it last night n not having nightmare le... My body is so pain... maybe due to playing badminton with simon loh...but very fun leh... sian my bun still got on my head... no pple dare help me push it... even jimmy n banana scare to push it hard....haiz!!!! I feel so troublesome everytime need them help me push this n tt...lolx anyway this is the 5th time i knock onto wall le since i work there...lolx Friday coming soon le, i abilt scare of tt day... this coming friday i have to wear back the smart wear again...haiz!~!~!~going to ps meet my Gmum...My Gmum want treat me eat leh... cause i dun want take her hong bao... must i wear untill like this mah ??? ok enough 4 2day le... i going offf to work le if not get scolding....hehehekaka

Xiong at 2:25 PM

In this few month i have alot of problem... Firstly i dun know wat 2 choose between study n ns...Anyway i have to return to gov 2 year, anyway soon or later only... But since i know this gal name deb which change my life...i have been trying to woo her since i known her... she was pretty n cute...yesterday on 14 feb 2005 i asked her to be my gf but her answer is ( let be friend first )... but i will try my best and woo her again. yesterday nite i cant fall aslp n untill 4am then fall aslp, in mean while i think of last time and future... Haiz!~!~ This few day i keep having nightmare but i just cannot remember wat dream i have it~~~My Gmum say tt i think too much or maybe scare of losing some1 or somethings ba~!~!~!~!~! 15 Feb 05

Xiong at 1:21 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
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November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
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