Avril Lavigne

Monday, April 25, 2005

Today i wake up very early n i think i start to use to wake up early since ns.yesterday i just book out from my camp n went to sns to buy some milk n snack...then went home n meet ken they all...called azhar n known that his gf pick up n told me that azhar in jail now.wtf...lock for 3 week...dun know wat happen to him since i not contact him for 2 weeks only...anyway nvm.maybe this time he will learn his lesson n hope so.now i talk about myself...some pple maybe want know wat i been doing in this few weeks...not blog for days...on last few day in camp i have been training marching rifle n bomb...but i miss 1 lesson n 1 ippt exam n even last thing that i hate most.that is road march...must walk 8km...haiz!!why i miss so much things n now i have to retake them on next sat i think...cause next sat i cant book out cause i been punish by my ps...kana 1 day comfinement only can book out on sunday morning...if i know will kana comfinement then i will not take the blame!!!I take all the blame for my friend...actually i also got wrong loh.being a arm ic nvr check thing properly n let them sign wrong place...The worst thing is i lost my rifle during my theory exam...Shit right!!that stupid sgt took it while i hand in my paper...on 20th april 05 i being punish untill my hand numb n leg numb too...being punish cause i slow..actually not my problem..i was asked to go in arm room to check rifle then by the time i come out all my teammate gone...i dun even know wat going on n being punish cause i late to fall in with them...my sgt ask me why...i can tell him but i think i tell also no use...maybe i say i help me ps to check rifle.he may say that my job just to dun make his self lose face..so i just told him no reasons...then that idoit tell me that the raining shelther is calling u!!!!fark loh non living thing how to talk...then my friend say he mean is ask me to take all my thing n run there then run back...kaoz!! very far leh...1km...fark loh!!!then on other day taht is 22th april 05 friday i remember every thing on that day n will not forget it!!!My ps asshole ask me to pack all my shirt including my personal thing like hp, key n mp3 to my bag!! then ask me go down fall in with those things...give me 2 min to unpack them n arrange them in order.untill 10.30pm light off then ask me go slp..got no time to pack back my things...then i have to stay up late to bath n pack them untill 12am then slp!!so tired...tml i going to nee soon camp to life firing untill fri...abilt scare using real rounds.In camp everynight feel bored cause nothning to do..something feel like chatting with some1 but dun know want call who...jing busy working while xiaoti talk rubbish with me then ken no time too...sometime call her also not even 3 min then put down phone le.dun know wat to say also...now hope to complete my ns n go back study again...i being waiting for spf for so long...now i dun think of joining them liao...just want complete ns then go study!!i feel strange in camp everynight i slp...whenever i close my eye n want to slp feel that my bed will shake...but i dun care n just slp.few day ago i ask pek.he told me he also got kana like this for 2 time.isit cause i got no religious...anyway i nvr done anything bad so nothning to scare about...yesterday ah ma call me n ask me go down to eat today...but dun feel like going..but i use my hand to touch my heart will feel bad if i say no...honestly i say out from my heart my ah ma so old liao maybe next time i wanted her to cook for me..but she cant.so i promise her to go down.want go meet sam go jp to see cd n buy ear sticks...then go home change then have to book in liao...ok next week then blog again...i now going out liao...if not late again!!Btw i now can control my hyper ventilation liao...but have to use inhater again.sian!!must train to become fit again!!!i just went for check up..NKF leh...the person say i too healthly n in my body my fat only 9.5...she told me for guys fat must below 20...but mine only 9.5...she say i healthly..lolx mean i still slim lar!!!Lolx!!hahax!!call me to chat with me loh...i in camp so bored...if i going to other country training i tell u guys n maybe u all can ask me help u guys to buy sthings...See ya!!i will be back soon!!Next Sunday...TakecareZ

Xiong at 5:26 AM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This morning i wake up at 6.30am n prepare to book in...i late to book in...lucky my sgt nvr scold me n send me to medical centre for further checkup.My mo also dun know wat those red dot r...n my fever seem not to go down...keep on go up n down.non-stop...now still fever yet sitting ard at home listen to song with my empty brain.dun know wat to do n cant even go out for walk walk...fark loh!!They give me so much medicines.see untill scare...now i so bored n my brain seem to be empty n dun know wat i can do...abilt worry about those red dot...hope not dental fever or other new ill...fark loh everytime so unlucky.sian today attc again n being send home...tml morning have to report in at 8am again...tml attb then only light duty...sian...scare i may out of course then waste my time....still got few more day then sat liao...hehe!!!went to sns just now after book out.went to buy cigg n some drink...but cigg not for me..just help fnd buy n bring them back tml...since so long nvr eat beef fried rice...eaten just now at sns...they shocked to see me...lolx.dun know why...did i change mah?fat or fit!! must be fit bah n dark le loh!!haiz abilt tired after eaten so many medicines...kaoz...hope god bless me with healthly health n happily life...i still got long way to move on...still haven fulfill my dream n many thing not done yet!! i feel like going to burst.some1 help me out of this kind of life pls...feeling so down n sad.heart also hurt alot...maybe need some1 to chat with...haiz...

Illness R Those Sadness~!

Xiong at 6:52 AM

Monday, April 18, 2005

Today i going back to camp to book in n book out again...dun know my ps got bruff me anot.cause he say i can book out again after i book in...i still have mc untill today...yesterday i went to see doctor n i went to jp to see new albums n vcd...jie told me that got new albums so i went to buy....nvr think that i lost connection to outside world n i buy F.I.R n J.J n seoul rider...i really hope that i can control well for my hyper ventilation n get well soon...now in camp feel sian but my sgt r gds...the only thing is they keep scolding those word that i dun like...haiz....go bath le....see ya!!hope to see u all again~!~!

Xiong at 9:51 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Today i book out from my camp at 10am.by right is next sat but due to something happen to me so they give me mc for 2 day...on my 3rd day in camp i cant breath during morning exercise n they faster send me to see doctor named as mo in camp.mo told me that i have hyper ventilation n now there no medicines to cure..on my 5th n 6th day it happen again...if may kill if serious..mo ask me to try to control my breathing dun hold breathing or breath too fast...on 15 april 05 after my lunch i having fever.38.0 leh...yet i nvr inform any sgt or sir cause that day i having all my exam...just use 2 day to learn load n unload rounds, strip weapon, IA drill, cpr n last is theory...that theory i only learn 1hr only then start exam liao.but i think i can pass...i heard my sgt sat higher score is 93 n lower is 24...in all those exam i fail 2.load n unload rounds..kaoz...i am the first one to load all rounds in the magzine yet i fail cause nvr listen to command properly...but i will have retest..this time sure pass...actually today i having ippt exam too but my sir n mo ask me to book out cause they suspect that i having chicken pop...but when i pri sch i ald have liao...why now still can have it leh...mo tell me only 0.01% to have 2rd time...i think i not so unlucky bah...but my both hand have red dot n more n more coming out...i missed my ippt exam today...sian...on june of 4 i pop liao...hoho...sian on monday have to report to them at 8am n see mo...i become darker n darker...but more fit then last time...the training is xiong but my buddy in camp r friendly n when ever we free we sit down n chat then slp...my sgt keep on asking me do u have gf n will miss her anot?? but i dun have gf how i miss her..he told me that everyday also can chat with gf n after my pop i can have even more time...now my unit only have 16 pple n we r the best unit in camp...lolx! BEST HOR!!!Lolx...maybe we all learn thing very fast.In 1 week time we catch up with other unit in camp n even more faster then them...next week going to life firing n throw grenade...soon will be out field...now feel like study again.haiz!!!now want to faster complete ns n go study...i wonder why all this kind of thing keep happen to me...i lost my rifle yesterday n was stolen by sgt...i went to pass up my theory paper then foget to take my rifle...now dun know how it going on...but anyway nvm...damm tired woke up at 5 am everyday n have those xiong training n slp after 10.30pm...anyway going in again on monday morning 8am n coming on sat...on mc for 2 day.tml if worst must see doctor get more mc...God bless me!!!

Xiong at 8:56 AM

Friday, April 08, 2005

Today 8 april 05 is my turn to went in ns...going to report at 8-9am...from yesterday night i not slp yet n before that i went to ken house n only slp for 4hr untill now.from last night i been thinking of 1 thing which make me feel bad...Sigh!last night i went to meet them since so long...i even went to woodland at 10pm to meet jing n chat with her untill 1+am...then take cab back to jurong n chat with azhar.i even take photo with them n now posting to friendster...since so long nve take pic...cause i ask them take for me.i scare have to wait for 2 yr later before i have long hair...Anyway i will be back soon to blog again n by that time i maybe more mature n even more fit then now...hope that i when i back u all still look fine...abilt scare of reporting in...scare that i may miss home n miss fnds...hope god bless me with all ur bless n take care of me...untill now i still cant make myself to let go of it...i think i damm love u...anyway i will be back soon...i think i sure go apply to sch again after ns...feel free to msm me or call me during night about 10-11pm...if i off phone pls kindly msm me to let me know u called me...i will call back soon...sian i still not sure when i can go back after later book in...hope every1 who looking at my blogspot will takecare of urself!!

Xiong at 9:43 PM

Today 7 april 05 i come back home at 5pm.lolx...yesterday went to jp bot other avril lavigne cd damm nice loh...then bot cheese cake, sushi n milk then went to ken house to eat...not long they fall aslp n left me alone watching vcd n play games...i play untill damm sian n watch untill very bored.but i still sit on there dun want to slp.ken bro told me that my bmt is just some normal training n will take m16...i aiming for sharp shooter.lolx...sian tml go in.8-9am...so early...tonight i think i not going to slp...hope tml i went there n they told me to go home again...hahaha!!!actually i scare but my mouth saying that i nt scare...will miss home n fnds...First off i want to thank god for taking care of me n for allowing me to have amazing life experience n want thank god that give me some gd fnds n family there to support me.Thank god who put us together n i sure that god will bless us.Amen...later going to woodland at 11pm to meet jing.now going out to meet ken liao...my mind have being messy around with me n i not sure wat i really worry about..maybe is missing some1...there sthing which i canot let go untill now...but feel regret.blog on tonight or tml morning again...time to go out liao...Late again.lolx!!

Xiong at 11:25 AM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Today 6 april 05 i wake up at 1.30pm n later maybe going out to meet jing.yesterday i went to collect my glasses n i went to ginza n walk walk.saw elise going home m she say i fat.omg even she say i fat.dun know this few weeks wat i have been eating.at there i bot milk again n i from there take cab to jp to buy cd.lolx...i am cd collector.went to music junction n ts...bot avril lavigne cd with mtv...the mtv damm funny...she cool n daring playing roller coaster.that cd even show she was locked in toilet n locker...her cd still not bad...later going to meet jing who is my net fnd...today first time going to meet.abilt shy.dun know where to go n want go where...maybe i go see cd again...if want find cd maybe can ask from me...i have bot too much cd that i dun even know wat i have...just collection...my mp3 full le...still got 1 more day to enjoy before i went in...i abilt scare but after went thru this maybe i more mature but some pple say some turn to worst...hope that not me.keming msm me yesterday n told that he pass his law exam n now he waiting to post out...still not sure where he going to post.but yongkang is the unlucky 1 who fail his exam n yesterday he going to retake his exam if fail 1 more time then need retake 3 month course liao.damm sad...suffer for 3 month then still need retake course...lucky i nvr get in spf...yesterday chat with bx on msn.she went to sign up for singapore airline.damm cool.now she under training after those training she will be flying all over around the world.hehe i still ask her to help me buy thing if she went to hk , taiwan , kor n jap...hope she dun 4get..yesterday star told me that since i left 1 day.ask me to be more daring.just call her n date her out before i go in... i also thinking of dating her out but scare she not free or ald date other pple le...but anyway i try to ask...if not may regret...but where to go n wat to say.haiz...

Xiong at 4:50 AM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Today 04 april 05 i wake up at 12noon.went wash face n brush teeth...drink some milk n went to surf net.i received call from that uncle doing spec for me.he told that len which i want is out of stock n need wait untill friday or i may do other kind of lens.but without that len may not be nice n i cant wait till friday cause i going to report at 8-9 am...so i choose other len n tml will have to collect from him...after that call i received other call from my camp...asking me wat time will i be there n how many pple will be going to there...i asked some stupid qns...wat thing can i bring n do i need bring health booket? he told no need n cannot bring mp3...but i think i will still bring mp3.need listen to song before slp...just now i also meet ken , liang n solomon chatting about tml n friday...they seem like not going to sch on tml n friday cause of technical lesson...Sigh!!maybe going for swimming tml if not no chance to swim liao.ken send me song editor n i trying to edit some song n mix them to become more nice...In The Shadow n Still Standing...trying to mix them up...but having some problem with it..so i stop doing it.i feel very bored n my mind like cannot calm down...Haiz! if i still have chance to meet then this time i will not let go of it...i feel my hair look strange with duck tail...~_~ abilt sad with duck tail...but they say nice!!i think tonight sure cant slp easy...mind keep on moving around in my brain...untill now i still cant stop thinking of u!!!Sigh!! i wonder how u now n wat u been doing in those past few month...Start to miss u alot..NiteZZzz...

Xiong at 6:07 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005

Today 3rd april 05 i wake up super wake.at 4.30pm...very cool n sweet slp...i went to do my spec on yesterday morning from ken house to there.on my way to there i take bus99 to clementi change to Smrt n on the way i slp in the bus.lolx..too tired.on mrt i wanted to slp but no place to sit so have to stand n close my eye to rest...after reach bukit merah i went to xiao gu house cause she bring me to there...she doing houseworks.wanted to help her but she ask me go outside watch tv or surf net...so i went to living room n watch tv.but once i sit on the sofa n i fall aslp on it...lolx...slp untill 12+ then xiao gu wake me up...then our day being.went to do spec on our first place...at there that uncle told i can design my own spec then tell them, they can do the pattern that i design! but too late...at there then i know...that boss show me 3 type of mode.half framed, framed n framess...but i choose half framed.actually wanted framess but scare i may break it...so choose half framed...then saw 2 pair which not bad.but i can only choose 1...i saw 1 very nice black in colour n like it very much...but cause my len will be thick...so will not be nice with thick lens.so i give up on that n take the 2rd spec...that uncle told me that i can make len that is special...but cost $90 for 1 only...not pairs...damm exp loh...but like that i can have any kind of spec even sph n cyl above 500!!the 2rd 1 also not bad.nvm anyway i have ald do it n can collect on tue...heee...the uncle check on my eye n say only increase 25 only in 2yr...25only!!!high liao..play too much game...about 2pm xiao gu going for her lesson n later on she going malaysia with her fnds..kaoz i cannot go...so i went back alone...on my way.i stomache cause of xiao gu lar...when leaving her house she ask me dun know wat chinses tea.taste so bitter n have flower on it!!that is the one thin i take before i take any food or drink...so i went to find ah ma at 17 floor...sure at there can find her...cause her favourite place at there...gamble at there everyday...went to find toilet ^^...my ah ma still thought that i went to see her...actually wanted to leave but scare later break her heart..so i stay on to see them gamble...about 3.30pm i went to ginza to have my lunch n went back sns to see them...they say i become fat n say my face like roundness...omg..even they say so....i feel strange everyday exersise also can turn fat...wth going on to me...trying to silm down again but i think no need...this friday i went in sure slim down...after that i went home.on my way home i saw salon n walked in to cut hair...lolx.too messy n long...say untill i pissed.that man must be NEWBIE...cut untill like fuck!!! told him cut abilt not short...he cut off short n asked him to cut tail...he cut that tail like duck tail.. i got nothning else to say after he cut finish...pissed n went home wearing my cap...lucky still got cap!!!today actully wanted to go ginza see ken match.but i wake up 4.30pm...so the match is over.ken told that they win RF n went up 2rd match...but lose in 2rd match n have to wait untill next week then know they got match anot...went to dinner with xiaoti just now n he went to take ic photo...he going to get his car lisence...so gd!!!free 1 somemore..cause he finish his ns liao...Driver so gd.can get free lisence!!all my fnd pop liao left me alone still not go in yet...SigH!!!zhi hong told me that he apply for poly n now waiting for letter...if july he still nvr receive any letter from poly then he have to go navy liao...told that he choose sp...cause sp is most gd poly!!! but if me i will choose nyp or np only...dun know why he like sp so much!!i told him i will be working first n he still ns...he still ask me why leh..lol.i now left 1yr 10 months n after i complete he still in poly 2rd yr...n i going to apply for nitech that is 2 yr course...then he will be ns 2rd yr...hehe i will be faster then him...actually i also wanted to apply for poly!!but nvm everything too late!!Sigh!!!!!I take my new photo n going to post in friendster soon..lolx damm cute n handsome loh...Lolx.niteZzz!!

Xiong at 8:37 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Today 1st of april 05 also april fool day.goign to buy spec at bukit merah, heard that there have more type of nice spec.ask jie to bring me go cause i dun know wat whr...she call home twice n message me yet i cannot wake up n she gave up le...went back home n wake me up.so today nvr went down to see.Sigh!!My fault loh.yesterday night slp at 6am again.how to wake up like this...so going there tml.actually my tml is today, cause i now blog is 5.50am le...i at ken house accompany his.cause he say that when friday i go in ns...he will be alone n no pple come out relax with him...cause he say xiaoti n me is the most close fnds to him...so i come to him house n stay for today n not going to slp untill next morning cause going to xiao gu house to meet her...she will be bring me go see...i still thinking of colour to choose n wat type to choose too.lolx...wanted white framed spec or white half framed or framedness.Sigh!!too many to choose dun know wat i like.somemore still got colur leh..white or black nice or other colours like red, purple or silver...just now still thinking of cutting my hair but dun know want cut botak or just cut short.still thinking of cutting short with tail...lolx...miss my tail!!give me some comment leh...message me to give me comments.I will be very great to hear comments from any1...hopefully not xiaoti comments.just cause ORD.sure give me comment is cut botak or dun cut 1...rubbish man~~~Ken told me that WCG will not be tml le.change to sunday at 11am...Lanlab 2rd floor of ginza plaza...Skud Vs Rf...Skud is new clan n that is ken team...Rf at 2003 beat GBR in WCG...damm hard to win them leh...but ken team told ken to try his best n tml ken going to have training at CRC again...3pm!!tml after see spec dun know want go whr leh...haiz!maybe anyhow walk walk or take train here n there or buses...but i think at night solomon n ken coming to meet me...maybe going to cycle.solomon going to bring his bike...dun know i want come down anot...thinking of staying home to play games...still not lvl up today...lvl 51 n 43 only...want rush to 60 n 50 before friday...wanted to watch House of fury leh...no 1 accompany me go leh...NiteZzz!!!! i going back for lvl le...

Xiong at 10:05 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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