Avril Lavigne

Monday, May 30, 2005

Other week pass...other 5 day will be my pop day...last few day is very tired n body ache after those training...today i woke up very early n went out with wenyong...even have a hair cut...lolx.no hair still want cut.no choice, my sir want us to have a neat hair cut for pop(passing out parade)...this week will be my most tired day...having 24km route march at east coast park this coming wed...lolx!!!thinking of hide some sweet n eat while walking that 24km route...then on wed morning i have test...if i pass i can get 1 bagde on my pop day...try my best...but hard!!!haiz...having s.o.c test too.. lastly is kungfu test..lolx.must fight with 5 sgt to pass...at least 5min per person...that is 25min!!! kaoz...now going back to camp le...sian!!!haiz!!!next week then blog again...next sat also cousin wedding...i can go!!!weee!!!my pop start at 9am-12pm...btw those pple who want come my camp must have the card to come in...if not cant come in the gate!!!so if u want come...sms me or call me soon!!

Xiong at 10:46 AM

Monday, May 23, 2005

Almost forget something...other 2 week i can book out on friday liao!!! woohaaa soldier....damm sian...no game to play!!

Xiong at 9:58 PM

Time went so fast...i back from field camp n soon will be S.O.C Test...other 2 week i will be pop le...went to 5 day 4 night...on my first day i have be choose to do guard during night..that is very tired cause i take 3 shift...so only slp 2 hr...also learn to build my own tent...damm small for me.somemore for 2 pple slp de!!!fark loh...on the first day i reach there...i thought take bus go to the forest n that it..but nvr thought that i have to carry my own field pack with sbo n rifle walk to the forest which is more then 4km...damm heavy with those food which i have to eat in those few days...after the long walk i reach n start to build my tent...after finish building still have to dig hole around the tent for water to flow away if raining.but still no use, after awhile start to rain n i wet...then in the evening we start to go training n shooting...on the 2rd day i do guard duty again...this time more better only need do 2 shift n can slp le...but during my lesson i fall aslp...so on my 2rd day i miss something which is 1 of my test on the last day...on my 3rd day i saw something...at first i thought is my buddy...then i walk toward i saw wild boar...Lolx...i even saw alot of firefly..damm nice!!!about 5-6pm i have to dig grave for myself to slp inside...that damm hard to dig...i dig untill 12am+ still nvr dig finish!!!So my sgt n Sir ask us to go back n we need to move house to other place n set up my tent again....on the 4th day is my road march n have to walk 16km...damm long...but got redbull to drink...over there saw cold drink n fresh food is like going to heaven...lolx...btw the field food is sux... after the long walk i move to hall to slp not going to slp in forest...damm happy when i heard that...lolx!!on my last day i go for exam which must claw 30m-40m with rifle n sbo...damm hard n stress...while clawing there some1 firing Mg...somemore is life round n 3 Mg gunner...n have to claw untill finish without standing up...haiz!!damm scary but i still claw finish...the moment we finish that n going back to singapore...woha!!!!come back to singapore with wound all over my hand n leg!!!damm sian...the moment i book out from camp i went to buy milk which i haven drink in those dew day n i miss it...lolx!!then went to meet ken n xiaoti...sitting down n chat!!!on sunday i wake up at 7am n nothning to do...actually i meet remi to go church...but he idoit nvr turn up n phone off too...untill now still canot finish him!!!so i alone at there walking around n go to church myself...about noon i went to shopping n i bot some vcds n even went to collect my spec...now using 2 spec..lolx!!going to pop liao...now waiting for my campmate pay me back money..haiz!!!after that i went to meet jie at ikea n saw something which i like it n maybe going to buy it...i even went to see clothes but dun have the pattern i like it...after that i went to meet ken n solomon n went to my ah ma house to eat dinner n stayover night at ken house with solomon...damm fun!!!thinking of buying other mp3 n wanted to change phone...

How long will it be!!!

Today i went home n watch house of wax...damm er xin but not very nice...then at home listen to song n play game...dun know wat to do...haiz later still have to go back camp...on my pop dun know whether any fnd or family coming to see anot!!That day also my cousin wedding n dun know i got time to attend anot!!!haiz....but if i miss the wedding then i feel sian liao...but i miss my pop then maybe no chance to get to see some of my fnd...all going to be post out...hope i will be the 1 to post out...now still thinking of wat to study after ns...maybe hairdresser...but aunty say hairdresser like gay...fark loh.now is 2005 liao leh...haiz...still thinking of going for spf...aiya dun want talk about future liao...just take it nature....

People Come People Go,

You Never Know What Going To Happen Tomorrow...

Cherish What You Have And Your Love Ones!~!

Xiong at 9:45 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sunday, 15 May 05
Last Few days have been raining heavy n i cant go for my training...so have been doing area cleaning n stand by bed...so boring to do that kind of stupid things...like an idoit nothning more to do n can only do that kind of things...Lolx!~!~Time went so fast..other 2 n half week i going to pop...going to go for ati course n maybe going to taiwan this end of year...sweet!!get to buy mr.fighting wrist watch for collection...yesterday after i book out n went home to bath went to meet jie at novena Mrt...she accompany me go hospital for checkup...due to my heart n lung keep on pain during past few day n my back...but after reach there waited for a long time before my turn...that doctor told me nothning wrong with it n maybe of my training they r growing bigger that why so pain...lolx!!after that we went to bugis street n i went to find that wrist watch...so many shop only got 1 shop selling it but dun have my colour which i like...so i nvr think of buying it...even saw my sgt with her gf walking ald there...in my 1 whole life i think i will not forget the feeling of throwing bomb which is so cool n fun...at first holding the bomb n put in my sbo...i will feel scare cause dun know whether will just go off anot...lolx!!but when my turn to throw i feel excting n my heart beat went very fast...after throwing i feel that is fun n want to throw again...1 of my sir like siao...take the bomb n kiss on it!!!Fark...this coming tues going for my field camp n will have chance to see wild boar..lolx!!wild boar sia!!my ps told us a very funny joke!!he say that if u get a chance to see wild boar dun shout hey wild boar leh wild boar leh...the wild boar will laugh at u n die straight infront of u....cause u like mountain turtle...nvr see before isitz...lolx!! he even told us how to build fence to def ourself...even if we being attack by wild boar he told us not to run just walk away n dun care...but if that stupid idoit wild boar running toward u just stay cool n move to ur right side...cause wild boar is stupid n they cant run n turn straight away they will die straight away when they do that...btw my ps say dun be an idoit if u saw wild boar rushing toward u yet u stand down there shouting for HELP HELP!!!lolx when they arrvied u ald be step to death lolx...have being learn bcct n i like it so much...it like kungfu but the only thing is combin with other things...today i wake up at 7 am n going to many place to buy thing for my field camp...wearing my new boxer short..lolx!!thinking of going far east to look for wrist watch...if not have to go taiwan to buy it...or order from net...next week will be my most fierce training n the pain will be gone after field camp...Other most fark thing is my cousin is marry on 4 of june which is my pop day...how i going to attend his wedding...haiz!!enough of my crap...going to bath n heading out to meet xingxing!!!

Xiong at 11:18 PM

Monday, May 09, 2005

Time went so fast...other 3week+ i going 2 pop liao...will get my new cap.lolx...wanted to wear that cause too cool...last few day the training so fierce n xiong...learn bcct n soc2 n even have 12 km road march...i miss bcct n road march but next sat i going to retake them...sian tml i going to sembawang navy base for x-ray...hurt my back... next friday going for the most excting outfield..can touch real bomb n even can throw...lolx...other 1 week more will be my outfield camp liao...haiz!!yesterday with ken n xiaoti went to jp n walk walk...i went to Ts to look for the Mr.fighting part2 but still not out yet.haiz so long de!!then went to have dinner n chat untill 5am then go home...actually all say ton but in the end i ask to go home...too tired n want to edit my blogspot...i from 6am trying to edit the bgsound untill 9am then went to slp without offing my com...then wake up at 2pm n edit again...untill now then complete...got too many song want to post in yet dun know which 1 to post...so i post still_standing...actually want post chong shen but scare many pple dun understand...i ownself oso dun understand...lolx!!Btw if any1 saw handband with watch combin with it...tell me where u saw.i want to buy...yesterday while chatting ken idoit take my botak pic n send to me...kaoz...so ugly!!!my fnd say i botak look damm like gal!!!!next say sure very later book out de loh...have to walk 12km of road march...Today mother day i going to bring my mum out for dinner n going to book in liao!!sian no time to go out...need do other spec for outfield!!!next week then blog again!!

Xiong at 9:48 AM

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I back from life firing since sunday.byright is saturday but due to my comfinement then cannot go home...but now i nvr own them liao...The life firing damm tired.make me stress n afraid of firing with my own rifle...omg with real rounds...on the very first day morning 7am we went to nee soon camp n i have lesson over there...after few hrs of lesson went to try shooting 100m with my sar21...4kg leh...the recolt still not bad...but the sound is so lound n clear.shoot untill night 1am then go back camp!!i thought reach camp can bath n slp liao...nvr thought that still have to strip weapon n clean it!!i clean untill 2xxam then bath n slp...damm tired.last few day damm tired everyday also wake up at 5am then slp ard 2-3am...very funny is i at the shooting range fall aslp!~!~Lolx...at there slp also got stress...scare that my rifle may be steal by sgt or sir...during those day still got exam...lucky i still not that bad!!but miss alot...still pass!!!My Sir is liar...i SICK liao still dun want let me see doctor...still bruff me say u can hold untill the life firing over then tml bring u go see...kaoz...i sick untill no sound come out from my small little mouth!lolx...untill now i at home still not see any doctor!!!Fark loh...lucky now still got sound liao...if not canot talk or chat...but now i hate my voice like ah pek...haha...My buddy like Shit..Spread virus to me...make me sick n now have cough, block nose n ah pek voice!!!I still aiming for that badge!!Lolx...On saturday i being play like a fool!!!Hate that blacky Sir like Siao...Maybe during my life firing just because i knock onto him n he hate me? but i ald say SORRY liao...But actually cannot blame his oso...i think he want to train us to be more stronger ba...pour lot of water onto the soil n ask me claw over it...Byright that 1 of the training loh...throw Bomb liao then need claw over...Tml have more xiong training for me liao...i wonder i can hold this kind of training untill when...tml is F.O.C...have to carry my sbo, helm n rifle to run n complete those stupid wall n rope...still have to climb over those wall n rope...if that 1 fail i think i can out of course liao lar...cannot pass that then no need think of out field camp...1 week cannot bath stay out field to train...i still waiting for the real bomb lesson...Lolx..i create my own SFG drill..Safety pin turn, safety pin out, bomb keep n safety pin throw!!!lolx...wah that day i like this damm sure R.I.P!!!Yesterday soon after i book out of camp my buddy call me to ask for my Maple account n password...i play for so long n have feeling for that game...ask me give his...i even spent my time on those chara...even now i dun feel like playing i oso keep it...inside my 1 thing too important to me...can make me dun 4get many things...haiz...tonight book in he sure kpkb me...anyway nvm...my sgt say i maybe change buddy cause they get more pple to join my team...now become 3x pple liao...from 16 leh...Yesterday went to my favourite place again since 1 week...lolx...bot jolin new album J-Game n some vcd...Mr.fighting n blade Trinity...That Mr.fighting damm nice loh...i watch that part 1 finish since last night...lolx...10 disc only!!now waiting for part2 out...if u miss this show u may regret...cause damm nice n cool...this show have many cool n romantic part n even have touching part lastly sadness...i saw 2 item inside i like it very much!!!1 of the item is hand band with watch on it!!very nice...that red hand band with red watch...other 1 is more cool...half volin in transparent...very nice.Lolx..i want to look for that red hand band with watch!!errm...volin i think wait untill i complete my ns then learn ba...ops 4get to say about that jolin cd...nice too...later want to meet ken n go shopping before i book in...1 more month i pop liao....hahaha...waiting for that day to come...can get my new cap...look cool...then that time i can keep hair liao...not like now not like botak n not long...dun know why everytime in camp cannot slp well...sure will wake up during night...not 1 time is few time...last night i dun slp well too cause my cough...haiz!!!now only hope that the part2 out then i can buy n watch it!! I heard that my ps want keep me with his for the rest of my ns...he gay? or i look like gal? my buddy say i look like gal...Btw if Any1 Who found red hand band with watch pls kindly tell me where u saw...See ya...Next week!!!lolx...going to bath n going out liao!!!

Xiong at 3:59 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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