Avril Lavigne

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Today is last day of july!!Time went pass me so fast n yet i dun know...last week i found that tiny snake n keep it as my 2rd pet but today i going to let it go...yesterday i went down to marine south to do my duty Tcp..traffic control!!! damm tired standing there holding that stick which look like star war sword!!!lolx...but i like this duty...can see firework n that work look like i buy 1...ask them stop they stop..lolx!!So fun...yesterday after the parade over there some of those students wanted to cross the road but instead of crossing the road...they offer me cake to eat...wanted to eat but cant...LOL!!! I on duty...i told weilun about it after our duty complete!!!but he say dun dream la...cause they dun want to eat then give u de...~_~;;...say untill like this!!!anyway i dun mind!!!yesterday i first time take cab with ps ben, sgt chay n Sir home together!!!we share cab home cause all stay at west side...i now then know chay also stay at jurong..lolx!!!play game with his yesterday night untill 4am then he went to slp liao..left me!!i feel strange...yesterday before i slp i think i have shut down my com but morning i wake up i saw it still on!!!-,-!!!...later going to jp take vcds from ken n go back camp pass to weilun...he wanted to watch!!haiz...i going to bring all my stuff to camp..if not i will be bored to die!!!LOL..gameboy but left 1 game...my pokemon all lost...cant find...haiz!! only Left xiao sin game!!!My favourite game anyway!!going stay in camp for 3 weeks before i book out!!!haiz!!i change my shower to Everyday goat milk...smell Great...Rox!!I miss alot of friends*....i feel that i having headache since i start to eat that box of medicine from Nuh...wonder isit side effect...on 18 Aug still need go back for appointment!!!haiz!!i going to buy my new hp liao!!!So happy...btw i very long nvr go out play liao!!!haiz...finding 1 day go out eat steamboat or shopping...in camp i have alot of thing going to blog...but now i just cant blog wat i wanted to...haiz!!!maybe too long staying outside...going to bath n get ready my stuffs for 3 week!!!Anyway takecare!!!Marine South ROX!!! start from 6th of aug to 14th of aug!!!on the 6th is the most gd day to go!!!cause that day firework sure nice!!!want know whr the best place to watch firework...come find me at Tcp 7!! at the cross junction road before the bus 400 turn right to the place whr all the steamboat are!!!

Xiong at 5:39 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Feeling very sick...eating those medicine i start to scare of eating them...Haiz!!!got other appointment at 18 aug 05...last thrusday i went they take some of my skin to lab!!!On that day i also have Guard duty found a tiny snake i bring it home...lolx!!!but dun dare to catch or touch!!!keep on getting sick since i went in ns!!!haiz!!!i got no time for more...so i writen everything on my notebook...next week i post them out!!!GD BYE...

Xiong at 9:08 PM

Monday, July 11, 2005

Last thurday i was overslp n need pple came over to wake me up.So i missed my breakfast n i have to sweep parade square n toilet But i lazy just pour water here n there only Lar...LolxI went back to slp untill 11+ then start to fold my smart 4 N went for lunch...I feel very bored here so after eating my medicine i went to Pte mess room do some exercise n called jing for some chat..OH i called mui keow n she chat with me for some time...This few days i being thinking alot of things..Am i that irritating person..Maybe only some pple think so.Others thing that make me pissed off is before i book in...I started to hate my DAD... He always say those kinds thing that i dun wish to do it again...like smoking or say i take drugs...But honesty i nvr take drugs before loh..even azhar(Mike) take in front of me i also dun want loh...That night i shouted back to his why i nvr take drug or smoking you dun believe me...He just turn n walk away...damn pissed..Last time i maybe bad but pple will change when time go on...I admin last time i am smoker so wat...anything big fuck!!!but i have ald quit for 1 year+ n it just over 1 year cause i quit last year 1st of july 04...Somemore i dun take drugs at all...I admin last time i alway stay out late or nvr go home but since 2 years ago i stop all this..Even valuglary i also stop using it...Dad i yr only son n u dun trust me at all, feeling so disappointed...Sometime i really dun understand when pple trying to turn over to new life yet not given chances...Untill they turn back to old way as they were then parents start to nagg..Maybe 1 day i start to smoke back is u who force me to smoke back...i feeling very stress when u keep on saying that to me!!Haiz!!Anyway i will not be smoking again...i start to hate that kind of smell now..So here by i using my name to swear to God i will not smoke again anymore!!!..

Damn Disappointed With U

I saving money for my new hp but i dun know wat hp to change...Buying laptop or new computer for myself!!Lolx...Alot of thing wanted to buy...I just book this morning n at night need to go back camp liao..Stress uring that RT...They use 4 day to learn yet we use 1 day to learn 4 day works!!!!Stress...I hate to dig the graveyard!!!Lolx!!!almost faints!_! That nice captain of my company chatted with me some awhile n he advise me to see doctor...under hot sun yet i dun sweat at all n after sometime i have to pour water onto myself incase heatstoke...he told me in this way...i think very funny loh!!!Maybe ur body cooling sytem is spoil...SPOIL!!!!lolx!!i think about it...i dig that grave untill my palm skin tear n bleed so painful...elbow turn blue black n body aches!!! I miss Fresh food last night have been eating those Field rations food..so hard to eat!!!Hate it!! I only eaten 1 packet n that it!!untill this morning waiting for breakfast!!Lolx!!!!
Btw this year NDP my unit is at marine...So i will there dun know do wat...i think is guard that wat i heard from my sgt!!Btw Weilun u very heavy to me...my weight just 50kg n i have to carry u running about 200m-300m with my sbo...lucky sgt junior help me carry too...if not i cant complete...Btw ur weight same as me..Lolx!!!Yesterday night last training i was slpg all the way untill i heard moving from right to left then i wake up n see...oh they have kill the enemy...Lolx..damn funny!!Btw i help sgt junior picking phone is so fun...I Love it!!!COS NICE!!!

Looking At The Blue moon
Shining On U
My Tears Falling Off From My Eye

Xiong at 2:43 AM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

So fast my mc over le n have book on sunday night...but book out on next day evening...Lolx...So lucky...one week off leaves...But i thought i also included...i nvr think that i must book in on wed night that is today...Lolx!!!They book in on sunday night...i feel unfair to me...But i think about the 9 days mc n they suffer at field camp!!!Samson bring back something interesting for me to see...About 3-4cm ant...So big...i first time saw...lolx!!i wonder some of them have to come back on friday night then how about me...can i book out on friday n book in on sunday night ??Haiz!! tonight will be slpg alone in that huge room...so scarely during night n i have to slp alone!!!Yesterday night i was playing game with Aural untill late night...While playing half way i fall down from my chair to the floor!!!lolx...so funny play untill half way can fall down!!I was shock n Scared by that xiaoqiang...Haha!!make me have to run away from my computer to room!!!lolx!!Untill now still dun know whr he hide...anyway i will not be home for sure!!!Haha...untill now then i know that i am so irritating that being blk by deb!!!Lolx...Anyway forget it!!!haiz hair so short still need to cut!!!F@rk!!!!Sgt arfil just called me to remind me to book in tonight!!Haizzz...Dun know when i will be back to play game, listen song n blogg...Jing now then i know u peep on my blog everytime!!!Lolx...Anyway Thx u for this few night accompany me playing ms!!!TakecareZzz..Still got appointment on 14 july...sian!!!Miss yummy food!!!

Looking At The Blue Moon
Shining On Me
My Tears Fallling Off From My Eye

I Love Blue Moon Earring

Xiong at 11:10 PM

Monday, July 04, 2005

Yesterday i went to Nuh For further check up...but that doctor nvr tell me only write letter ask me bring to my mo...but i peep it yet dun understand...Lolx!! just now my sister help me see le...everything r still fine...but i need to go for appointment at Nuh at 14 july 05 4 pm!!!haiz...yesterday i get damn pissed off by those doctor n nurse...i wait at since 3pm untill 7pm then my turn to see doctor...they skipped my turn...haiz!!that nvr mind...but this time i really pissed off...i staying in that high risk room n no pple attend to me...somemore after seem by that doctor...still waste my time dun want let me go eat my dinner...dammn hungry loh!!still ask me wait like an idiot there!! others pple thought i waiting for my family...i wait untill 9.30pm then get my letter i go sns buy milk...miss that milk!!!lolx...Taste really nice...i being hooked to it for months...since i being intro to it!!!i hate Nuh doctor n nurses...waste my time!!!Sian i still looking for blue moon earring...yet cant find...haiz!!too hard to find liao...buy also too exp...500k above leh...but no matter how i will find it!!!just now morning i call samson ask about the field camp!!i heard that xingxing cry during that camp!!Lolx...now i going to cut my hair n go back camp...ok...i go liao..About NDP parade i will tell u all more after tml!!!TakecareZzz

Xiong at 10:50 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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