Avril Lavigne

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I Just book out last night and i feel very disappointed with that seller of that necklace...have been waiting for so long and now need to wait for 2 weeks for them to ship in...actually thay already ship in last week, but due to some scatch and i dont want it so have to wait for them to change other set come in...Last week i went to tekong for field camp and that was so tired and also almost cant make it...trying to give up during that section exam...damn xiong...But i thinking why i must carry my rifle, helm , sbo n signal set...i thought only PC Runner will have to carry....I still dont understand...thta was very heavy...about 8kg + my rifle which is 5kg without rounds and launcher rounds...Last mission was my life most unforgetfull...4 persons carry 6 sand bags...with full of sand!!!!1 of it weight about 20kg...kaoZ that was very heavy and we have to carry it and end point which was 5km away...Tml i going for my 2rd field camp in this month...Very stress!!! This time is Plattoon training and 1 more field camp coming soon at the end of this month...total 3 in per month...very xiong!!!On sunday morning at pandang open space have AHM and i went for it and complete that 12km run...very stress too....After this few month of training i feel that i have grow fitter then last time...I dont even know i can run so far...Due to our gd work and tml i get to see The Cave at Orchard for free..Yep Yep!!! Lolx...But have to prepare stuff for Wed...haiz!!I Feel Damn Tired After this field camp and i hope time to go back 6 month ago i will change my mind go study and now maybe enjoy playing everydays..Lolx!!! Anyway time pass very fast and i have pass 6month...Btw i saw pek at AHM on sunday...he come more fit then last time too...Lolx...Yesterday morning I having FOC and i have n complete it only left the Rundown which i failed once...And now i dont wish to fail again...So i will try my Best...Just now went to Ginza Again and i went to that bags shop which i never go before...saw some bag which look nice and wanted to buy...but i cant buy all so i have choose 1 of it...Lolx... Like i wasting $$...Other few more month Before Nov...I think about that time i going for my last field camp which is Whole 2Sir company...damn Stress...Have been feeling moodless and unhappy and dont know what to do!!!Jie i know u have been reading my blog and if that necklace reach call me or sms me!!!Thank You!!!WEWEWE....I have been searching for school and dont what school to choose for my study...dont know what subjects to choose too...Too many i have alot of subject i like it....Haiz!Anyway 2B hope u pass ur exam..Gd Luck!!! Keep On contact Me!!!Lolx...Kinda Busy for this field camp...After Movie i Still have to find some stuffs...Like my Hp so much and i put xiaoxin sound inside...Love it!!!Gd Luck For Those Who Having Exam This Week And Next..Ken All The Best!!!So Tired.. Time To slp!!!ZzzzZzzz!!!Tml need to wake up at 5.15am!!!Left 2 hr to slp..

Xiong at 6:30 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

This morning i make my way down to beach road n meet xingxing to buy some field camp stuffs n we saw ps ben n chay too.Lolx!! They went jogging n go buy things too...Nvr jio me go jogging with them..Lolx..Just Kidding, anyway thank for not asking me go with u...i just complete my MG lesson on last thur n complete my 8km run on fri!~! Wee...This coming monday i going to run 12km at east coast park n tues is my field camp test at tekong...haiz!! Stress...I went for my appointment last wed n that doctor ask me stupid qus..do u feel better?? kaoz if i feel better wat for i come see u..omg!!Sian have to eat more medicines for 1 month n go back again!!!haiZ...Yesterday went to jp for my dinner with hui si n her 2 friends...damn funny...one of her friend name yueliang n i think of my friend xingxing!!!lolx...wonder got pple call taiyang anot...Lolx!!chat with her saw they play game...i feel damn stupid...Today after i meet xingxing i went to clementi meet keming..long time nvr see his liao...he become more n more fit...we went go gym then went to swimming...he change alot!!!we xtra change something too...ur xiaoxin tone veryt nice...Lolx!!!he remind me of our oldest days in school...we r the best!!!LOLX!!!today at swimming pool i swim like turtle so slow n like dun know how to swim like that..haha!!hand cant move only leg move...omg i feel that i forget how to swim liao!!!haiz..yep 2 more day i will get my thing from korea...they shipping in liao...that wat i heard from jie...i been waiting for it since week ago!!!At last coming liao...i saw mui keow today n we have chat for awhile...that stupid laywah aunty keep on asking me to disture kah cheng that idiot...Lolx!!!i remember last week during my block leave i went to buy milk n i disture her n she wanted to beat me sia...lolx...scold me somemore!!!jsut cause i scold her 1 word...monster in chinese!!!Lolx...wanted to slap my face...lolx!!!that time they still dare to laugh...lucky she dun dare to slap me...if not i will @#@# her for sure...Lolx!! No lar i where got go fierce de...keming asked me whether i still smoke anot..Come on lar i quit since cheng quit...we both r tag team brother...Lolx!!!So fast 1 year 1 month liao...since i quit...I still waiting for my field camp over then going to ask them out for steamboat at marina...Lolx!!!!i wonder why today mui keow ask that ques...i still thinking about it!!! Btw going out with keming i feel like i back to sch days...Muhaha!!!wearing that umiform of mine with that tail behind me...Lolx!!!MISS U SO MUCH!!! I still got 1 year 5 month before ORD...

Xiong at 11:25 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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