Avril Lavigne

Friday, February 17, 2006

Yesterday went to np with keming n weicheng. keming was wearing police shirt while i was wearing saf shirt n cheng was riding to np fetch gf... was quite fun going out with keming...chat quite alot after i apply for poly n we went to canteen 1 to have our lunch or can say early dinner... i was throwing fried on them n they do that to me too, we look like kid who never grow up...Lolx! Cheng gf friend was so noisy until we cant stand it n they accompany back to admission to ask something.. then we went to play with cheng bike n i went back home to wait for my mum while keming go back police force to work then cheng no choice send gf home...Keming thinking of sign on for police force, i was thinking too but wanted to study now...In the mean while i also scare i cant catch up with my school work...So now have to work harder abilt to catch up...If cant get in poly then no choice i have to go higher nitech then see how...I received my birthday card from city harvest on tuesday or wednesday night..Cant remember clearly, too shagg!! Today i went back to np again cause i need to hand in my result slip to them so asked wen yong accompany me n we walk around at np, was so big...Walked untill my leg are tired and wen yong still dont want stop...So i have to nag him again!! hehe... We walk back to canteen 1 n eat our lunch then sit for awhile reading new paper...Just found out about this case happen in singapore... one guy holding on to gun killing 1 married man who have daughter of 13-14 year old...Fire at his head n limb...So cruel and that man die on the spot...Haiz!! Now this wanted man is armed and is very dangerous cause no one know he got any other weapon anot...So everyone please becareful and try not to walk alone or go home late like qifang today..No la got combin cellgroups prayer just now..LolX! This morning i was having soc test and i failed again..This was the 4th time i failed, so shagg yet happy cause everytime i take i find that i have improved alot and i think fews more time i can pass le...lolX! But tpday i also think is unfair to me, Some of them pour away or never fill their water bottle with water while i filled with full... So i as very shagg n tired...Leg pain after running cause no time to do warm up...HaiZ! My shagg day end today... I book out and meet wen yong after that go np then finish le... wanted to go home and we saw weiyuan who was our BB Friend..So long never meet and he still look the same...Lolx... Was quite happy today, meeted some friends... chat alot and went home together... Went to jurong west church just now and have cellgroups prayer and take some photo too... I going to get my birthday present from my sisters soon..I asked them to buy mp3 for me...My mp3 going to spoilt and i dont know what happen to it too...So Asked them to buy ipod..Hehe! Quite expensive loh!! But they share money buy for me.. So younger in the house better! Lolx... Just now accopany qifang take bus to jurong point take train...Recently too many case been happening... So abit not safe to let her go home alone...Thinking of going back camp just now so can accompany her too but meet phileo and the others so they will be going home too so i go home and rest...Haiz! Been sad with my nose...Forever cant recover liao loh... My family doctor say this was sinus n i thought can recover but he told me mine was not the same as the normal de.. He say mine was pass down from the past so is history of my family..Sad!! Why must i be the one to have it... asthma also the same problem...Everyime also i have those unlucky things...Sad!! My sir ask me to try go operation maybe will recover but somtime still will be back..So i think of it too but have to see doctor soon...Kinda tired le and late have to wake u at 5 am to go back camp...This saturday i going to have other training so have to stay back or tomorrow night book in again..haiz!! Damn sian...Hopefully i can pass it on satursday then no need to training le...oh saw qifang eye with some black ink thought that she think too much or have stress so drawing on herself..No la she also dont know about it too...So cute!! just now at bus i thought she was calling me uncle so i never reply.haha but i was wrong...She was calling that man who was alighting just now who forget to scan...Haha!!!Sorry! Yawn!! Tired Le time to slp le.. Looking forward for my birthday.... wonder this year what will happen during that day... trying to get off and book in on monday...Hehe!!

Xiong at 1:49 AM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today is valentine's day but i alone at home...So lonely!! Today also Saengklai nuansri birthday, i wonder how she now...tsk! I was so disappointed, sad and aimless yesterday... Went Back to camp in the morning to endose mc then noon went to clementi meet keming then we wanted to go apply for course at np... We even plan to apply same course.Lolx! Good Buddy! So went to take 106 bus, then we chatting while waiting. Suddenly keming told me that we like take wrong bus or wrong side, so i tak a look and saw we reach orchard.. :) :) So we take a walk over there n eat our lunch then take 106 back to clementi n take bus 154 then at last we reach np gate.. that school was bigger then my ite school. :) hehe! So went to ask around n got this guy over there tell us turn behind n look at that word... Behind us got the welcome note...Lolx!! We just busy chatting and walk past also dont know...Hehe!! Too long never meet n chat So was abilt like aunty..Lolx!! so went there to find my course n other lady told me i can only choose 2 course... Lucky the course i wanted is one of it, so went to find out more about it. My score was enough to apply de...But when i want to apply that course got this lady call me and ask me, Lady: U wanted to apply this course? Me: Ya, Why? Lady: Can show me your result. Me: ok!Lady: Ohh! You from ite har? Mi: Yup! Lady: Hmm Your score is enough for this course! Keming: then we want to apply.. Lady: May i know what course u take in ite? Me: Peg! Lady: You hold on i check for you.. Me: ok Lady: Sorry you cant apply this course!! Me: Why? Lady: Your course from ite not related to this course u wanted, so you cant apply it! Me: Huh! Still got like this arr.... Omg! Then keming and me walk away to the nearby canteen n buy some drink to sit down chat... So disappointed, keming: if like this we go sp try loh! Me: ok Loh! Was feeling down, disappointed and sad when cant get that course... But that lady say if we got higher nitech cert we can apply any course from there...So i think if i go higher nitech study then after that i can go U to study why still go back Poly... But Higher nitech dont have that course i like leh... Haiz! So this friday going down to sp with zhiyong n keming... zhiyong apply at sp le... Left me n keming! Yong kang dont want study liao then sam not free to go...Ah cheng not sure yet!! Haiz!! This Flower nice anot? I want get it for u soon! But this was for my sister friend de! lolx... end of this year i get 1 too...Haiz!! Disappointed, Sad n aimless..I thinking if cant apply for that course... i think i dont want study liao!!

Xiong at 9:12 PM

Friday, February 10, 2006

We Cancel the meeting with solomon cause tml he going to collect his brother ashes..Haiz! Sad.. But going out meet xiaoti now for jogging...But i late le..Lolx!!

Xiong at 9:18 PM

Today was going to bedok to have that 10km run but due to raining then cancel le and we book out early!! But when i reach home i asked ken to come out tonight n he told me that solomon younger brother just passed away last night...I was shocked to hear that...Solomon must be very sad...He brother this yr only 14yr old but have 8yr old brain cause he brother is retarded but retarded also human...That unfair to them!!! Just a young kid...HaiZ! Sad For them...Now the mother blame herself for not takingcare of his brother, cant blame his mum...What ken told me was during cny that time his brother eat alot of sweets n tooth pain then during night time all his family was slpg n his brother wake up n find medicine to eat..Then anyhow eat medicines n keep vomit...vomit... n vomit blood...Then .......!!! Sad...Why must human die or get illness or sickness, why cant human just live forever n happily just like the storybook story....This World is full of unfairness.... Alot of bad guys can live so long yet just a pure young kid with a kid mind cant live that long...UNFAIR!!! :( :( :( Poor solomon... Must be very sad now..Ken call him but never pick up...Haiz!! Tonight me and ken going to meet him out and bring him go walk walk n accompany him...Haiz!! Sad... I HATE CNY!!! Just because of cny then happen this kind of thing...Next Year chinese new yr i dont know solomon want celebrate cny...HaiZ!! Whenever cny come he sure sad n will think of his brother....!!! Ken just meet solomon last night althought solomon nvr cry infront of ken but he cry for his brother when his brother passed away...Hope that his family dont be too sad...What gone is gone...Cant change back...Heard of this i no mood for anythings liao..Haiz!! Today my pc come find me during my icct training...he passed me 1 framed photo which was taken during my coastal hook... He gave it to me cause of my brithday coming soon...He say cause he going to oversea for training so wont be around to celebrate for me, so he pass me first... althought is just a picture but i like it very much.. inside the picture i can see all of us trying to train hard n everyone enjoy training together...

Xiong at 6:22 PM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Last few day was not feeling well...On monday my medicine was finish n never report sick..so during night time i was kinda very hard to slp n keep on wake up during night..yesterday i report sick n being send to hospital for treatment...have x-ray n bahbahbah.... Then rest awhile n night went back to camp n rest... This monday i report to medical centre again n take that letter from TTSH to my mo, execpted that my camp mo will say dont care about what the letter say...:( On the letter that doctor from TTSH say: Please kindly change a new bunk for this guy who having problem with breathing...Change me away leh.. But my camp mo Was like idiot...bahbah! but still not bad la, he asked me want any status anot...But i never take la! Cause the status he give was useless la ok!:( Went to appointment just now at Nuh but my doctor was like just keep giving me medicine to eat...I was tired of eating liao loh!!Haiz!!! Just wanted to have a good rest and have a gd sleep...But then i have training... This friday have 10km run at the east side i forget where le...haiz!! i going back camp le..Haiz!

Xiong at 1:26 PM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Today Ken come back from malaysia liao, at last!! I going to 20 le! so fast last time alway think of 18 but now i wanted to go back age of 10...Lolx!! This i hope my birthday present will be ipod nano...Lolx!! So greedy...Thinking of changing my computer or maybe buying laptop...Yesterday surf net looking at my course n chat with keming about it...both of us dont know what course to choose n yongkang gpa get 3.5 but he dont want study le, wasted! i dont know want go business or IT or shatec...Haiz!! But shatec school fee very expensive n jie say go higher nitec better...cause if i want go shatec what for i go nitec 2 year ago...So i think i go higher nitec first...after that i can skip poly go U....Lolx!! Think too much!!haha!! now adays alot of people fall sick...ken fall sick too!! Xiaoti called just now, been so long everytime i call him now his turn to call me hahaZz... He never online for 1 weeks busy working and his computer spoil..Lolx!! maybe tomorrow going out with him go look for computer..thinking of buying new computer!! Already Been months, i still thinking about her....Look like i just cant forget her..Haiz!! Tomorrow my bible study going to start..At last i have the feeling of going back school to study again..Hehe!! Everyone since to look busy Yet i look so free...Lolx!! I wanted to ord soon... haiz..Dont know what i am blogging, Rubbish? My mind so messy... I fall sick again...Still like last time so easy fall sick de.. Hate Demon who alway come to me!! :p nose block or running nose, cough n have ulcer...Haiz!!! been days.. and only my nose seem getting better but ulcer liek still the same will feel pain...Anyway need time to recover...My pimpes come out from nose again..Too heatly must sleep early and drink more water liao!! Tomorrow is the 4th day of using that spray for my nose..Sian!! Very pain when the medicine go in...Hate to use it...The feeling was like water went into nose...Nothning to blog about and i forget what to say..Never mind i go sleep early for bible study tomorrow...By the way i still never tell anyone that i join christian..Lolx!! Maybe i would tell jie.. only she will listen to what i say..haha..:)

Xiong at 2:41 AM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So long never blog, lazy to blog and due to chinese new year so kinda busy playing n celebrate with my cellgroup members!!! Having Flu for more then 3 weeks and still cant recover and went to clinic for 2 time medicine already finish still the same... Early morning wake up cause cant breath and have problem with my nose, during noon to night will be having running nose...kinda pissed with that!! Hope god blessed me to have a new nose! haha...Last friday after book out went out with cellgroups for reunion dinner at bukit merah, the foods was nice but i dont eat sprawn so only eat abilt..but nvm i enjoy eating with them..Been very long time i have this kind of family feeling..Lolx!!On sat eating reunion dinner with my family, this yr ken nvr join me cause he went to malaysia with his parent so i was kinda bored without him with me..My bike seat was stolen by dont which Fxxxxx!!! so that day i cant go cycle with wen yong..we planned to go after dinner in the end cant cycle so we take cab down to there and wanted to play game de but going to close!!! haha.. so waste money cabbing down!!! But we went for a walk at there... actually wanted to go to china town with my sister but scared of been push here n there so nvr go. so went home after that, that was so boring!! First day of new year i was kinda tired of going out cause slp very late that night.. but only went to 2 places instead of 4 places!! So only went go my grandma and grandpa..Haiz!! very bored over there...everyone was like chatting with each others and i dont understand what they are talking about so i just bring my younger cousin yangyang to playground n bought some snack for him, even asked his not to tell his parent...haha!! Bad Boy!! So after that he was going home n me and wen yong went out with my cousin to parklane for lan...over there i was pissed off by my cousin friend! actually i was also not in gd mood n his friend just say that kind of thing like i cheat or bluff him... wen yong just learn to play dota 2 days ago n i was telling the true yet he dont believe n even say he just start play few minute ago.. pissed me!! So i doing something which i dont like to do..Lolx!! I ask him to 1 v 1 with me but he scared..Haiz.. Too bad! actually i not that gd....But i not in the mood to play too!! just feeling something wrong with me on that day...We play for 8 hours untill 5am + then cab home...kinda tired!! so i slp at 7am n wake up at 4pm and went out with my cellgroup to watch moive at westmall...Watched fun with dick n jane!! Was kinda nice and funny but abilt too short...After that we play some card game and everyone just went off..oh by the way i love my new year clothe n i even do make up on my very first day of new year!!Lolx... First time ok and not i want de loh is my sister force me to make up...But i just dont want to wear my earring ring... Was very long le since saengklai gone and i stop wearing it...maybe will not be wearing it anymore...If i wear that mean something is wrong!! I must be crazy!! lolx...Today we went to cellgroup member house for ang boa...played card game again but not gamble loh..just some fun game...murder...Lolx!! Very fun and i love it!! We went to qifang(panpan) today i saw her, i was shock...She look like 1 kind of doggy which is very cute n pretty loh!! I think she let go of her hair will be nicer loh...Lolx!!Look like doggy....(panpan) joking only!! Bu really look nicer when she never tie her hair... I still got 1 year to go before ord...Haiz, not long n not short just like clement say!! Lolx...Just finish my game with daniel while blogging..haha!! Oh almost forget this sat i going to start my bible study...Lolx!! I hopping for that day to come cause get to see delirious that band!!! On 4th of feb at expo hall 8... Anyone want come kinda contact me!! Last week i went to smoke chamber for training and while training i just cry off like that then i start to think am i a cry baby... then my sgt told cause of that chemical...ohoh...just keep crying by itself..Haha!! was kinda fun during that training!!! been days i nvr heard of xiaoti n ken!! not sure where are they now...Kinda of to find them!!!ZzzZzz!!!! Now feeling very tired but feel happy too... i think i going off to slp....Nite!!!

Xiong at 12:34 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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