Avril Lavigne

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Last night i sleep at 5.30am and this morning i wake up at 8am and went to bath and went to meet wen yong then we take train which was a very far trip, from the west to the east...Haha! i fall asleep during that trip..Lolx! After reach there i meet wen yong friend and went to have fun at escape theme park, went to first game which is kart-go then went to wet and wet... Then went to pirate ship and went to hunted house... That was fun! I love it... Then we went to have lunch and we plan to go wild wild wet when we meet next time... We went to service at expo and meet with qifang, phileo, yong shen and follow on..... This is the first time i sit in the front of the middle rows and feel very exciting and happy...Today pastor kong peaching was great and i get to receive even more... After service we went to bedok to eat dinner and have abilt of fellowship then everyone was tired and went home.. I was chatting with my oc about my condition and he understand what i wanted to say... Just finish chatting with edwin too, Haha! Chat for about 2hour plus...Hehe! Wanted to meet guo hao but tomorrow he on duty so i think cant meet up with him le... HaiZ! Tomorrow meeting wen yong and the others for basketball... But i think i use that time to reach out for other friends maybe even better... I so tired and wanted to sleep le... Miss You Deep Deep!

Xiong at 12:43 AM

Saturday, March 25, 2006

At last i on leave again, they return me 2 days as in mouth speak but only 1day half.. other half day they use it for my csb training which coming this monday and tuesday... I afraid that i cant pass that stupid saw rifle... so hard to strip it! like sar21 better..Haha! Route march coming too, this time is 24km route march at teklong island..Must sat ferry over there again, scared of seasick.. Haha!! I also afraid of route march too because of my health, recently i sleep very late and woke up very early cause at night i cant breath properly and have to use alot of force to breath and my chest very tight like something blocking my airway...Haiz! now waiting for my next appointment, have to do check up again... Hope won't use that medicine to numb me again and not that nasopharyngoscopy to poke into my nose to throat again!! Even with numb still can feel the pain...That time my tears in my eye was going to flow out from my eyes...Lolx! But not i crying if automatic flow out...Haha!! But i dont know whether i can go for my next appointment anot, My sir like dont want to let me go...He wanted me to complete that csb exam...But that unfair to me, i already told him that i have appointment on 17th march at 11am at nuh and he just take out my training programme sheet and see... Told me that i have some important training and may not be able to go for appointment, then i just huh! he say: you only have 2 choice, go with other company for that training on 9th april which is sunday or go on 19th april which is monday and my 2rd choice is change my appointment date but appointment date cant be change so easy mah... Have to see got place for me to change anot and the date is doctor fix one mah... somemore he give me medicine last me one month before i get to see him again...Haiz! but i remember he told me not to take part in any training but he never give me status how i stop my training..He just give me letter which i dont know what is written inside and i passed to my camp mo and my mo just write other letter and ask me to pass to my oc, i being confuse which all this passing why cant make it simple... But that letter from my camp mo i know what is written about..hehe i never look at but my oc told me about it, my mo want my oc to let me book out everyday and 8am-5pm or change my bunk... But now he still thinking and checking with my mo again... I still waiting for his reply...Haiz! My sir only give me this few days to think, but i dont know want choose which choice.. Can i have 3rd choice? Stressed! But if they keep on pushing me to my limit i afraid i may become crazy or just faint like that..Haha! But i told my uncle and he ask me to for my oc to reply then he decide what to do... Why dont just give me downgrade letter more faster and better no need to waste so much time on me... Sort of one won't die de mah..

Today i went to bank to do my debit card, at last i have my debit card...Haha! But still have to wait for 1 or 2 weeks to receive that card...Hehe! Wednesday i went to my aunty house and found out that my cousin is learning on piano keyboard and he bought 2 keyboard So my aunty ask me want to learn mah and she can give me 1 of the keyboard piano which was quite big... But i never reply her leh... I was thinking i got no time to pratice or learn, weekdays i was in camp and weekend i need to go for service and cellgroup meeting or bible study and follow on will be fellowship time... Maybe after my ord, 11 months more to go..Haha being counting it everydays... Edwin told me to plan for my future after my ord, actually i was planning to study at poly but just been rejected from them so i think i not studying first... Thinking of working for 1 year and save moneys, I wanted to open other account from ocbc bank to keep my saving and stop me from spending...Haha!! Then i go on for my study... Ermm, for car i think not so soon le.. Waiting for ken to take together, But i thinking what i want to work as after ord... Confuse too..Haha! Look like every little things i also confuse...Lolx! By the way Just now have dinner with ken, xiaoti and wen yong and we have some fellowship too and chat but hui si called me just now and want to meet this sunday noon with huixin and boi... ken and xiaoti dont wish to go meet them.. They not free, that what they told me to reply hui si. But for me i really cant make it.. i got cellgroup fellowship in the morning which i think is important to me, they want to play basketball but i dont know how to play even hurting my hand last time...Lolx! Was like dumb bear! Muhaha..

Yesterday i went to gym for awhile to have some exercise, too long never go le... Just awhile only and feel pain already... But still can get back the shape.Haha!! My sister just bought new drama vcd but i not yet seen it, i just watch other drama called My Family Which was very nice all about love story, maybe i copy that ray go learn baking cake and open shop...Haha!! Watch too much show liao... Oh that korean show little is Sad Story i heard from my sister is nice.. But no time to watch now... Maybe after my operation during my mc i will watch it ba! But i very scare of operation dont know i will be sleeping and they operate or i was awake and feel numb.. Scared of needles anyway...Haha!! Someone scold me just cause i scare of needles... Got any problem with it... Everyone have his own thing to scare mah.. You also scare of blood still dare to say me...Pig! Anyway scared... Later needle haven poke me i faint, can save medicine on me le.. Haha!!! Yeap haha! Tomorrow morning going to escape park with wen yong and his friends but i dont them yet! What to wear for tomorrow i still thinking about it, feel stressed and down for sometime during training or what my sir told me.. Tomorrow is my relaxed day hope everything will be fine and not raining too... Haha!! I remember first i went there i play pirate ship 6 time in a row and come down i vomit.. Haha! But never mind with 2B too.. Haha! At least got someone vomit with me so not so shy..Hah! This few days i try to call saengklai but her phone was cancel le and cant contact her anymore.. Dont know where to find her now.. Haiz! Sad Sad! :(( Hope she will called me... My sister want to go thailand soon with her boyfriend to shopping.. So I asked her to buy me some clothes... Haha! I want buy pant leh.. No pant to wear le! Lolx! Too poor to buy pant...Hehe!! Now already 4.30am le but i still cant get to sleep so i updating my songs, same problem chest tight and hard to breath but i used to it le.. I afraid i cant walk this 24km route march but if i never walk i must come back on saturday..haiz! Dont know what to do! Back to my song updating la better then thinking all this stupid stuff which make me feel stress... Haha! I must enjoy myself tomorrow..

Xiong at 2:54 AM

Monday, March 20, 2006

Past 2 weeks i being confine in camp for life firing and pissed off on the very first day...I never know that my new sgt dont trust what i told him...Make me so pissed off...I told him that my rifle is spoilt but he dont believe it and i have to use it in my atp rundown...So i failed la ok! In Camp training so shag yet fun with my buddys... Having fibua training was so fun, like playing counterstrike in real life...Haha!! I dont like my pc cause he break our promise... Dont allow me to go for my appointment... Today i went to nuh for my appointment and this was my first time for this appointment and i never know that i need to pray so much medicine into my nose so pain loh.. My tear just drop down by itself not i cry loh... then my nose and mouth was numb after praying that medicine... then i was shock when i saw that doctor taking out a long pipe with scope and wanted to put into my nose, that was so pain but i bite my teeth and let him put... after awhile he told me that my throat have growing somethings and need to have an operation to remove it... i was shocked and rejected him..cause i scare of needle...Haha!! but he say to me dont worry but he want me to take my medicine to control it then operation for me and wanted me to stop all my training in camp...How am i going to tell my ps, sgt and sir! anyway nvm la.. i went to ginza find brother-in-law but he working in the noon so i just buy my favourite milk and when i going off i saw deborah mum and her walking in...Haha!! But i just smile and walk away, not i want to dao u but after medicine my mouth was numb and throat is pain... so never say HI to U... Last night was feeling so down and went out for jogging... i plan to run to clementi if i can... But now i still cant.. only jurong east! Haha... Now going back camp le...Tomorrow have outfield, but i dont know want to go anot! how am i going to open up my mouth and say dont want...Haiz! Operation must be go on even i scare of needles...Haha! Past few days i was feeling very down and even sick... Now i not feeling well but i need to report back to camp..Haiz!! I get my poly letter le and being reject by them cause of my course not related...Haiz!! I thinking of giving up hope on it but during my bible study got this pastor say never give up anything easy or else u maybe regret someday.. So i want to appeal for it again... HAha!! He also say if your bible is clean mean u are not a clean christian, if your bible is dirty you r a clean christian...Haha! Mine was dirty..Lolx.. But this was just a joke...Hehe!

Xiong at 8:05 PM

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Past Few Days was a hard days for me, training hard for my icct test!! On wednesday i even fasting the whole day and took part in every training loh..Fit Hor! Lolx... On wednesday was my hard day, woke up at 5.30am then went go brush teeth n wash face then went back to sleep again...haha! Cause cant eat...fasting! Then 7am wake up for icct training, doing that on field n was very pain ok! Even hurt my wrist, shoulder, ribs bone and neck...But no choice cant give up halfway... After that went back to bath n rest while others went for lunch...Fasting!! But i like it... Is like building my spiritual life and also cast away those bad habit! Because V Crucifying my body to stop thinking earthly thing but to think spiritual.. :) Then at 12.30pm we went to carry matt for the test and have to carry 40... Was very heavy but lucky we need to carry only 20 and other 20 was carry by other company... About 2pm we start our test and during tht test i hurt those same part again.. Cause need to do break fall... Was very pain loh ok! but i still pass la...Hehe proud of myself! =)) after finish all we have to carry all the way back to store to keep those matts... but all my mates went off without helping then left me and my sgt to carry 20 matts! I was so pissed off... If they feel tired then how about me? I not tired Mah! So i was just carry n carry... After that i went to bath and sleep very early on that day, too tired to think of other thing and i sleep at 8pm and wake up at 12am then went back to sleep again... The following day was the same... woke up at 5.30am but this time i never go for breakfast again cause i was to tired so i went back to sleep again and i sleep untill 12 noon...Lolx! Then went to take my final icct test... Was scared, I thinking if fail i have to redo all over again... So i being telling myself i can make it and i keep on praying for it and even ask qifang, wen yong, phileo and edwin to pray for me too... That was very shagg, my buddy was like too excited and while we prepare for test we try fighting with each other again.. He use too must force and hold my wrist n do break fall on the Hard ground loh... I just feel the pain and forget everything...Lolx!! But i still hold on to it and take part... First part was easy for me but 2rd part have to fight for 2 minutes non stop...Was feel fine at first but then my wrist start to pain so was kinda bad...Lolx!!! Then all along there was this voice at my ear calling me dont stop, you stop you have to start all over again... then i was like scared and just keep on fighting untill time up..Haha!! Then when my result came out i was passed all and some was failed... Haha! I was so touch that my tears filled in my eye..Lolx! After that went back to bath and sleep again..Was like pig loh ok... Just keep on sleeping! The next morning i wake up my neck cant turn and very pain... Untill now still pain but better..>_

Xiong at 2:13 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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