Avril Lavigne

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Last thursday i start my csb at pasir laba camp and i walk first 4km i feeling very shag cause on wednesday i having fever n vomitted at home, but i still go for it cause that badge is pride of infantryman badge so i must get it... After first 4 km at rest point i drink 1 cans of red bull and i walk again... untill 8km check point i drink other half of red bull and start to walk again, i dont feel shag or tired after drinking red bull and i even prayed while walking, i pray for lord to let me finish this course and even pray for recover from my fever... Just keep on praying n walking...Untill 19km time to have river crossing and i tied everythings and i start to swim over..Haha! :) Very far to other side.. After finish crossing river i start to walk again n this time i walk wrong path so i have to walk back and find the correct path... At 24km already in the morning and the sun have already start to rise the weather was very nice and the wind is so cold but i love that kind of feeling...I start know that my red bull going to finish cause i bot 6 cans and left 1 cans, haha in my life drank the most red bulls... then 27km i get otehr cans of red bulls from my camp... At 30km i walk wrong path again so have to turn back and walk again.. I get abration on my both leg and feel like giving up but i heard someone keep on encourage me to finish it but i dont know who just voice pass thru my ears...Lolx! =) Now then i know what is that feeling like after i reach end point...Everyone would slap their hands and welcome you or hug you even serve you like helping u take water for u, feel so proud of myself! Lolx! Hao Lian! =) Then went for life firing n i just shoot just nice 6/10 So I passed... Thank God! Praise the lord! After that went back to camp and have parade of getting the badge and i feeling proud again and i was so excited of getting it and i planned to faints- After getting the badge but never la...Cause this was my parade la ok... That day i damn tired and went back to sleep after parade so i book out late... On saturday planning to wake up at 10am and prepare to go service at expo but i wake up 2pm and even not feeling well, feeling dizzy and headache so i inform wen yong ask him to go first i come later... So as noraml i take train to expo and have my worship at there... Althought i was very tired and feel sick but i think that worshipping is important so i just went for it... After that have dinner at expo and have our fellowship, qifang brother went there too and knew that he got play dota...Haha!! On sunday morning went to cellgroup got this lady sister maria went too but i dont know who she is..But never mind just care for my prayer... Planning to have stream ray for lunch but i got to go back church for service... Btw i join children church as my minstry, first time help out at there but get praise from those brothers n sisters... haha! Proud =) They say i help alot!! :) But was very tired cause since morning untill evening time i not having any rest and missed my lunch cause going to late for service after cellgroup... They hoped to see me next weekend... Haha! Just now when i reach home just heard from my mum that my sister bf father just passed away last night...HaiZ! Sad~ :( He father having dispression and locked hisself in the room and take fire burn...HaiZ!! Now My sister bf very sad n nvr eat his dinner and cant slp, tml i think i going to pay respect to his father so i going to there.. going to ask my sir for early book out! Final wear my new Pant n Shirt that i bot from SNK.. Want to buy new computer and phone... Jackie wanted to buy my phone cause is nice to use, but i thinking of buying sony ericssion w 810I But today saw newpaper got new phone out n even better then this.. Maybe i just wait for new phone out oh think is sony ericssion w950I or W900I something like this.. Forget le... Damm tired tml need to wake up at 5am! Oh btw on monsday i get guard duty again.. So tired! My face getting worst le, more n more pimples hate them all.. Hope to ord NOW! 9 months more to go.. Just now went to aunty house to sew my badge and chat awhile maybe going to move house cause she was asking me want anot...i say anythings But westside only... Talking about my condition again and this time i going to report sick again for my throat.. Getting pain everyday.. Hate pimples and my throat... HaiZ! Time To Sleep!

Xiong at 1:44 AM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I almost forget about this matter, I get my SAFRA MEMBERSHIP CARD LE!!! HAHA!!! So hao lian hor..Lolx! by the way qi fang brother very huge but she called his Big size... haha! Hmm Her cousin look like ah beng which i dont like... Anyway Not my problem even he is ah beng...Haha! Time to sleep le if not overslp in mrt like yesterday morning..Haha!! Brand new day just ahead of me! Looking forward to go home!

Xiong at 2:22 AM

My long weekend end so fast, althought only got 4 days but counted very long in ns le.. Now going to start training cause i getting fatter and my CSB final exam is this coming thurday n friday...I think this will be last mission i will be taking part and i going to stop all training le... Going to walk 32km in 6hrs time n have to cross river n lastly have 100m life firing must hit 6 to pass... but i think hard after so long walk n very shag... walk from thursday night to friday afternoon sure very tired... But in this 2 year time this was my pride in my unit, not everyone can complete this training course... I have train so hard n going to finish it this week...So happy but scared at the same time, dont know whether i can complete anot.. Heard that alot of peoples fall out but i think i wont be one of them..Haha! Next i was pissed off when i went for my appointment on monday morning with my father, that doctor of mine was change n i think he was just a new doctor and he asked me this qns! Doctor: did u take ur medicine? Mi : YES, why? Doctor: Cause ur nose still the same nthing change, look like u never take ur medicine! Mi: I confirm got take all and i complete all but how i know whether can recover anot and now how? Doctor: dont worry i give u other stronger medicine n u take it daily and u cant do any strenous exercises cause of ur asthma as well as allergic rhinitis impairing ur breathing! Mi: OK!! what wrong with this doctor saying that i never take my medicine yet i take it everyday and even complain here everytime... I tired of eating those medicine but still have to suck my numb and take it..HaiZ! He even say my thornes is very big but dont want operation first so have to wait for other 2 months time then know what happen.. Oh my nose also have problem! Recently too busy to post my pictures here or friendster...haha!! Last saturday went to expo for service n aaron also got go but we sat at diff place la...But we trying to contact each other from the starting to the end...Lolx! Doing funny hand sign like clapping time wave up high to clap and i saw him just infront of me only, just a few rows...haha! That drama was nice and touching... hmm then after that went to eat at jurong east n cab home... then on monday i being activated and i went back camp to report then waste time untill 11pm then cabbed home, that driver was scammer trying to cheat my money... properly drive very slow n keep on talking to me about those matter which not related to me... Everyone becareful of night scammer taix driver...Just now after book out from camp i take train to causeway point and buy 1 long pant, 1 polo T-shirt and other white t-shirt! Long time never buy clothes and now no clothes to wear so have to buy... wanted to buy other pant but too exp, need $50 dollar for it and i spent alot for today... So going to poke le... This month pay going to finish soon...Now saving it untill next month pay day... I wanted to change new handphone, sony ericsson w810I but scare they just change the case of w800I.. Look nice and cool but my n7610 got msn and some MTV + songs.. Dont wish to sell it... So have to think about it... 9 more months to ord.. Everyone please bless me and prays for me for my health and this thursday exam... Hope i passed...Haha!

Xiong at 12:42 AM

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

On saturday went to field camp and i fall into a drain, very pain n my friends r laughing at me instead of helping me up... wearing new equir that look cool like those tv show those special forces...Lolx! Feel like one of them.. But quite heavy and very hot after wearing it... But look nice.. I took pic of it but lazy to post it la.. Maybe this friday then post it in my friendster. Being playing too much game and at last i am lvl 70 le.. Haha! I meet this girl who was 26 year old and jobless cause just quit, but quite good to me althought we know each other in game and never meet before or chat in phone... She was like my sister who taking care of me...Lolx! recently wei lun told me that he get downgrade letter le and i was like faints~ i waiting for so long n yet never get it.. Anyway i left 9 months 28days more to go.. Looking forward on that day! Lolx! But abilt sad and feeling down, my buddy going to leave me and i going to be left alone during training and feeling down cause i thinking when will i stop all my training.. I wanted to give up my CSB exam, but i now left with 24km, 32km route march n river crossing then i can get le but i feeling very stress and shagg... When ever i sick or not feeling well i alway have to keep quiet and hide it from everyone, if say out others will say why u alway sick or will say me chao keng..Haiz! Stress + shag.. Even training is very shag and i have to hold on to it untill it finish.. Like just now i from morning moving stores untill 8pm plus then went to bath before book out... Hardly find time to rest, i alway hoped that i will downgrade n my cells once told me to look forward and pray hard for it... So I never stop praying for it, Hoping to downgrade.. Tml i having 24km route march n honesty i afraid of walking it... I feel that no one is supporting me feeling so lonely and wanted to give up but when ever i think of ord date is drawing near me so i have to force myself to keep on walking toward it.. Ken at last falling in love again, xiaoti when is ur turn!! Dont give up or u will regret it, u now still got chance so just go for it age is not a matter if u really love her... For me i have no choice at all, i have to let my cellgroup leader know that i wanted to look for gf n even have to get approve by her before i can dating.. So i think will be hard for me and even approved i think i dont even have time for her.. Anyway i still cant forget her untill now and i never give up before, i once told her i will not give up on her de... So i waiting for my ord date... I make a very wrong moves at the first place n i regret it but all too late... sorry xxxxxxxxxx! Feeling very tired yet cant slp... I still thinking of what to do after ord whether i go work or study.. Sometime wei lun is down i have to keep his accompany n have to think of something to make his happy or can say dont let his think too much cause he alway worry everythings... But when i feeling down i dont dare to tell others but have to keep it myself cause i thinking everyone have their own problem if i keep sharing with them how r they going to takecare of their own problem.. I think there no one can help me and i have to help myself... Love is such a hurting matters.. But with someone sharing with u n chat with u everydays was such a loving matters.. I hope to be one of them! lolx! Give up on CSB or not giving up? Haiz, headache... Anyway hope that i still have chance to woo her... Right xiaoti n ken? support me right? Btw i wanted to invite friends to go celebrate easter day this saturday at expo... there will be drama which nice and touching.. Hope that u guys r going... calls me or messages me if u wanted to go...

Xiong at 12:58 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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