Avril Lavigne

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Recently like to blog more then before maybe cant find people to chat with, everyone since to be busy.. Today at work was bored but lucky chan chan heng came over and chat with me and told me about my course that i choose, hope that was correct course i choose but anyway already make my first step so dont regret.. Not long ago just speaked to xiaoti but not long cause he now still in camp for reservices, when is my turn hope wont come..Lolx!! What he told me was just RS cause i told him i wanted to look for Gf... He laughted at me and ken told me he dont want to find cause he feel that with buddys is the most fun time so he never look forward for a gf... Maybe i difference from u 2 ba, xiaoti maybe think the same way with me... Can go out together shopping, watch movies and even many more that cant compared with buddys.. When feel lonely there someone accompany u but buddys wont stay with u always, when old there only 1 person who will stay with u that is ur wife.. So cant compared de.. Understand KEN! Tomorrow guo hao they all ask me join them go vivo to shop but i dont wish to go cause i scared i will be spoiler, What is i am tired after work but if i not tired i will go meet them since so long after secondary school... Haha! Still remember i the only one that slp in class the most, anyway thank alot not for u all i dont think i can quit smoking especially baiwen...Lolx Not for you i wont make promise to that i quit before my birthday, think about it about this yr is the 4yr since i quit smoking never think of smoking back.. This sunday going to be fun cause going to meet huiling they all since so long.. 2th april 07 coming, i will get to know my posting too but if i get will have to travel to tampine everyday.. Haha! Ok la Enough of Crap..

Xiong at 10:29 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I feeling very when blogging this because last night sleep at 4am and work up at 6am so only sleep for 2hours, been thinking whether to go for it anot.. Oh, what i mean is hair stylist, got 1 of my friend ask me want join his salon to learn how to cut hair la and still can get 8xx per month... But i never reply him cause i scared i learn half way then give up so still thinking about it... Today Went to work very early cause at this time nothing to eat at home, so after i bath and blow my hair i went out to cake shop buy wraper but only eat few mouth and i throw away le.. Dont feeling like eating maybe still sleepy, acutally now i also sleepy but i still waiting for someone to online cause i dont have her number.. Talk about this later on, i'm talking my trip for today.. After reach tetra pak, those who know me was shock to see me again and icy say chan chan heng want me to go back.. Thank for that, lolx maybe i too good for it. =p I asked icy why she want me go back there instead of others, She reply saying that cause u r adorable... i was laughing and thinking which part of me is adorable... If say i charmer will be better.. By the way Icy is married and have son.. Soon being send to my office and start to work, i thought i will be post back to my pervious boss who know posted to a guy which i dont like... At there wasted about more then 1 hours time just sitting down doing nothing, make me still sleepy and bored so i keep on asking them got thing for me to do anot.. Haiz if i know i wont asked for it, ask me do those rubbish things.Tsk! Tsk! But never mind, The worst thing is when i pack up and just about to go home and what, he ask me time still haven reach why i pack my thing so early.. where got early no need clear all those stuffs and rubbish.. Forget It, anyway i work untill next tuesday i dont want work liao.. Who care what he going to say, just complain loh.. i dont mind, if i know not barros i wont promise to go back.. Forget it la.. Blame on myself, Since 3yr that kind of feeling come again and it was like YI JIAN ZHONG QING.. LOLX, I think i will woo her and maybe she is my Mrs right... Fine tired le, i know today not really like me who going to slp at 10.30pm.. but really tired le...NiteZ! Oh yeah finally she online le, i think i not slping soon.. Haha!

Xiong at 10:28 PM

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Time passes by so fast and already one month after i ord, i being thinking and running away from problem again n again even till this day it still the same... Did i lie to myself or family? I dont even know till last sunday i get scolded from my uncle for no reasons, at first was just a small talk about me and what i gonna to do.. Then just reply him with a polite manner that i want study and now waiting for posting which is on 2th april, that it.. Who know what, he say to me can u dont lie to urself n ur family... i was like shock, follow by he throw qns to me.. After you completed this 2 yr of study, are u going to work as what u studying.. Omg how i know what will happen 2 yr later.. But i understand what he going to tell me cause keep on asking me the same qns... Ask me to tell myself WO YAO SHI FAN... Omg who can tell me who dont want eat, it was like talking rubbish to me, but i told him i got my dream and i want to move forward to my dream and he just scold me and say dream cant be full, meaning to say shi bu bao.. But if no dream what for want to live in this world, Too bad last time never study properly cant blame others.. Now my uncle asking me to pick up courses or go to MOM to learn.. Anyway i dont realise care that much, Maybe i just look for 1 job and make his mouth shut up.. Hate him, always like to compare this n that between me n other pples.. Today was abilt bored, so just edit peijun pic and send to her.. Finally saw sinman online and chat with her i even scold her cause she slack around and still dare to told me...lolx damn long never saw her, i remember the very last time i saw her was at jurong east and now she got bike le.. How about me, cant go for bike.. Anyway she told not to go for it too.. Ya is dangerous i know, she even told me his bf ask her to give up on bike too.. Lolx! Long time never saw xiaoti liao dont know how he is now and that stupid ken who go watch movie never call me, xiaoti if u saw this posting u call me, i got young and dangerous 6 le, if u want watch tell me... Haha =p Untill now i think 3yr passed and still cant contact with her... But i think forget about it bah, what gone is gone maybe think about my future will be better... Thinking of putting tatoo but think not going for tribal cause too common, maybe put power ranger or mickey mouse? just joking =p Now a day i been thinking of diet cause i having tummy that ugly, so just now went for jogging and do some sit up.. since peijun can do 100 why not me? lolx! just too lazy but no choice need to train abilt i dont want to be like pig who just know how to eat n slp... Edwin called just now and date for dinner, i feel that i got nothing to talk to him yet he keep on want to date me out for dinner... Haiz, You know what my aunty told me i look like abilt like gal, wtf loh i born to have 3 sisters and what can i do... i alway hope to have 1 brother who can share his things with me and place with me or maybe even fight with each other.. Whatever la, even say my eye brow was nice... Sometime i dont really want go grandma house, cause of my sis and her son there i dont think i go there for dinner... Lucky i dont like to piss off that much.. REGRET REGRET REGRET!

Xiong at 2:44 AM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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