Avril Lavigne

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Few days since not working, Last Sunday After meeting them at huiling house i went to grandma house cause i have nothing to do so just go there meet my sister and childs la.. i meet 1 ite teacher with zhiyong and i thought he is from my work place de so maru after some chat and he ask me wat i talking about...lolx! At my grandma house was bored so i asked to do faical, AI MEI right?HahaZ, Then after that i went home and i stay up late to wait for my posting result cause it say only 2th april mah so i wait untill 12am plus and go online check it out who know i cant get that course too... I was so like faints and dont know wat to do la... It was like my future is filled with darkness but forget about it la, earn in the morning i went to work with moodless and i get sick maybe due to late slp and nvr slp well ba.. Tuesday is my last day of work and since that everyone very good to me and got this tall, huge and fit guy came over and chat with me about my course because chan chan heng asking him to give me some advise and he ask me to try new course but that course was too far for me la, At tampines leh i stay west side was like cannot la.. Tuesday was also the day i get sick la cause of keming la, shity idiot! Pass me his cough and flu... Wednesday was a heart pain day but still fun la cause i get to shop around but pocket become big hole la ok... Went to orchard to hand in my time sheet, then move down to far east eat and saw kelvin with his gf.. He still the same but completed Higher Nitec le la, Then walk around there and buy a cap that was design by me la.. With my name on it and some tribal, Lolx! Then bot other pant, oh ya i went to renews my member to continue my car licsence... Since few yr now i going to take.. My test will be 6th june, so i hope can pass la... Cause spent $100 plus liao, But never mind la... Last night was chatting with xingxing and he ask me go his work place become waiter, lolx i was thinking if i can service that good so i just told him to help me check him his boss.. i think i going down this saturday to interview, but i think i will get the job la cause i Charm ok... Lolx! Wanted to cut hair but still not long enough so dont know wat to cut cause i want to keep tail again like last time, Not my hair got no line at all... Like this i sian la! Cause of that stupid Ns La... Now I sian beacause i'm sick now, Having Flu, Fever, Sore Throat And Cough La 4 In 1 La.. Everytime 4 in 1... Hope recovery soon...

Xiong at 6:48 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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