Avril Lavigne

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Not Long Ago, just went to salon trim hair but dont think that one counted salon cause the standard not up to there and in the trim for me a hair style that look like girls de somemore friends keep on asking me why ur hair look like butch hair...Omg, Butch hair i was like going to faints when heard they commented my hair with this word (Butch)... Recently being reading book of Who moved my cheese, chinese cinderalla and now reading falling leave soon i think i will buy thousand pieces of gold, all look nice but not sure whether the content alike anot cause i read falling leave is like almost same as falling leave just that using others word or add in more words in that sentense but still very nice la... At last i bot xue zhi nu wang and i have watched finish just not long and this story is about their promises since young and the death of his brother, very nice show but abilt sad in the ending... so touch when saw that ending, if let me grade this show i think is 7/10... I being wondering why david since to be change to other person which i dont know really know him, he being giving me lots of troubles and things to do which he can settle by hisself but he just dont want to do it... Maybe he think i had nothing better to do or my work loads is easy and stressless or he just want attention from me?(gayboy).... Hope not what i thinkiinG, He being asking yoko why the parts keep not o/s(outstanding) or not in the box that i given to him... So everytime yoko come and qns me about parts that missing or o/s, so i had to spend times explaining where that part gone to and why that parts is missing... Very tiring if everyday keep on happen same problems, i already need to BSBH(bao shan bao hai) liao and now this crap come to me... If can please faster completed this machine and leave me alone instead of finding troubles for me to settle, he was like so free untill everyday come to my office and ask me why that kit dont have this part and when can he get, how am i going to reply him if he asked me this kind of qns... First of all i not the person who make this kind of parts, secondly i not the deliveryman and lastly i not receiving members too... Actually he not paying attention during meeting and he like dont know anythings beside assembly those parts to machine, if my job is to just mounts those part that goods... Everytime cannot find him or can only see him talking on phone only, just like thurday i damn pissed off when he told yoko-san i never pass him 2 levels and 2 plates and i being push till so tight that i hardly breath, so since he not paying attention why must i cover for him? I just straight suan him infront of yoko-san and say he not paying attention to what i tell him or i inform him lucky that day loo was there listening too, then he got nothing else to say... How dare he say i never inform him about parts outstanding or sort of parts, this kind of person is so irrating and so BU FU DE REN loh... So i dont wish to say so much about him, he the one that spoil my mood this whole week... Even muji also ask me why this week i look so moodless and seldom saw me laugh or tease with him, i so busy how to tease him or say jokes... If that idiot dont come disturb me i will xie tian xie di, but too bad he just bite me and wont let go of me... Now it like my lunch time is follow them cause everytime i was the last person for first bell to walk to the canteen to buy food, sometime reach there also dont feel like eating liao after so much problem he gave... Tian ar, why give assign me same team with him... Now i finally understand why no one from assembly wanted to talk to him or even team with him other then works nothing else, they even nicked him (xingxing)Gordilla~ OPS this xingxing not my friend (cai xingxing)... Haha! So there gone my thurday and i was cfm that if i contiue staying for ot i sure pissed off and even will scold him, so i leave company at 5.30pm and inform loo i going back liao not working OT today... Since like i not working ot for this whole week maybe next need work ot le, But i never take bukit panjang bus to go home... I went to take jurong bus and went back my house to collect clothes and few letters of mine, actually just collect 1 shirt and folded to keep inside my bag but feel that my bag grew bigger...Lolx~ Aiyo, that letter i being waiting for so long now then come it like longing for it for yrs... but nvm it still come right~ Follow by i on my computer since i long time never touch it or uses it, just like what i knew it my sister everyday been using my computer instead of her own and dont know what she been doing with it... Now had so much virus, spywares and even adwares total of 143... This was my first time i saw so much, i been trying to clear or delete them yet some cant delete and being protected le... while doing that my parent came home le and i saw them like growing older and older, so i was thinking how much time i need to use so that i can take care of them...(far far away)! So my mum talk to me awhile and my dad was busy doing his thing so never chat much with him so about 8pm i just take my bag and went back to bukit panjang because i cant fix that virus from my computer and went for dinneR and i take train from lakeside to chua chu kang then went to buy Mr.bean, just feel like drink soya bean just like older days everytime go buy soya drink.... Actually just bot cause having ache again so dont feel like eating and follow on went to take Lrt, in train i being thinking alots of things awhile listening to my ipod la so u guys would know what happen la thinking while listening songs confirm over ride la.(Maybe just me only la Blur like sotong) Who know i reach farja stop so i alight and take awalk see got any thing makes me feel like eating anot, in the end Macdonald again la everytime only eat that think about it look like i being eating macdonald for my dinneR for 2 weeks... Sian~ I miss home cooks so if u guys think that eating outside is good then i exchange with u, So after bot my diinner i take a short walk to next station and go home... I suddenly remember someone since to ask me why i dont take lrt from farja go home, good qns maybe i just feel like having a short walk and take in fresh air that feeling is good... Ohs, actually from farja walk to next station is not far if this counted far then how about my 32km road march in army life with heavy load somemore, althought during that time is suffer but i enjoy walking and chatting with friends just having fun and joke around can even hear laugher around us and singing in the night, in the forest... I miss that too but since ord everyone since to be missing and that time still say after ord we meet out 1 day go eat steamboat but why must steamboat, i dont like sprawn i think i at there only eat fries more then others... Lolx~ Actually i scare of eating Sprawn, it gives me rubber feeling and i scare my lips sores maybe i think too much... Might try 1 day eating sprawn but still not well prepare yet...Lolx~ Oh ya, while walking to next station nate call me again asking me where am i and what i doing Etc.... He seem like enjoy chatting with me, maybe just like wenyong say i got ren yuan =p He asked me alot of things and some i forget le la but i got ask him to help me with those virus but he not too sure how to fix only ask me to email him wat type of file and virus names, but weird is he never give me him email since the very first day i meet him... How am i going to email him...Funny right? But anyway thank i already fixed just now, when i reach home just usually i would sit on the living room having my dinner and enjoy TV and after that i would go take shower and follow on went to off all the lights and went back to my room switch on FM 9.33 and lie down on my bed thinking what things i haven done yet, in the end i found out is my clothes haven throw into the washing machine to wash... i remember i wear short pant go to company cause my jean n other pant still not yet dry, i feel so maru cause i has so much hair on my leg.... haha just like monkey leg~ maybe that called MAN! Er xin =p thinking of putting tatoo on my chest to arm or even my back cause everytime i remove my clothes i would look at my body thinking why my skin so lousya de, not nice and hairy so if i put tatoo on it maybe can cover those part which i think not nice... But i scare regret! Anyway this does't not matter any more cause i dont think i will put if i wanted to sign on singapore police force, Dream to be police officer....Lolx~ Oh ya on lantern festive keming and wenyong came over to bukit panjang to find me and i was so touch that they come over accomapny celebrate that day, at first was thinking of going chinese garden but no one accompany me go ken feel very strange for 2 guy to go there... but just go there walk walk see see take pictures of those nice lantern only mah... Weird ma? Maybe la, but when ever ur friends automatic come accompany u sure not a very good things.. Both of them ask me to treat them again, because i working while they not and i know they sure ask for X item... But nvm la not everyday treat, to think that they ask for beers, and fire crackers so each of us take 2 cans and 5 packs of fire crackers and we walk while drinking soon reach that big square court just opps side of farja lrt, and we sit in the mid of it.. lolx! drinking while chatting and even play like small kid watching the fire work just finish like that so we make rocket to play but cant fly high de... Soon after awhile got this fews cute and active kids run over to us and ask me can give them our empty cans, so we just give them our very first cans and we contiue with our chat and fire work then not long later they came again and ask for other cans... they was so cute just like my nephews, suddenly keming rise this qns to me...
Keming: If u r rich, do u want to have child at this age?
JaspeR: Yes, why not? If i have gf first then say..
Keming: Laughing Out LoudLy!
Wenyong: Laughing Out LoudLy!
But is true that i like kids, maybe they can bring joy to me ba... So we just walk to station and go home... That night i having muscle cramp for both legs and i was like rowing on my bed holding my legs dont dare to call for my sister cause she still need to work next morning, so i just bite my pillow and hold onto my leg till it not pain then went back to slp and i overslp that day i woke up at 6.20am and i was in a rush of bathing and not having any milk just went off as soon as i can... Finally I bot my shampoo at bukit panjang plaza, being trying to go buy yet so lazy and tired till wednesday lay jun going there too just nice got people to accompany me go so i follow her go there too...Lolx I like copy cat people go then i go, maybe i just dont want go alone buying things ba~ Being teasing her about her blog since on the way walking to plaza, hope she wont mind... Too chi bo liao, viewing or peeping at others people blogs and used it to tease her somemore so bad... Maybe because i tease her on that day and now i cant view her blogs content le. If That so, Sorry! Haiz wonder when can i get to view her blog again since like i getting lesser blogger to view even sheng blog also down le, wonder when will my blog be down too... Anyway i left 2 weeks more to go and that it, being thinking what to do after i leave and what to get for chan and the rest of them... They being teaching lots of thing which school cant learn just like my first shi fu who came from japan, kent say we look like father n son cause we was like so close and can laugh while working...actually can joke abilt during work time is good too at least wont feel presure or stress.. Forget about this first still got 2 weeks more maybe i might stay on too, i started to miss them even i haven leave company times passes so fast and now my contract ending soon... 1 more month chan going to come back from japan le, wonder still get to see him before i leave anot...Friday, this date i will remember it as long as i haven leave company the very first time michael saw me throw my temper on david ... i also never think that i will throw temper on him, he really making me pissed off.. I thought i can hold on to it but just wouldn't hold on le... I already have patience le since so long then pissed off, you know what i personally help him go beg George and his manager to lent me that 2 missing plate which i think is he the one that misplace it, how can 12 plate given on the same day and 1st & 2sec machine already mount and for 3rd he told he sort of 2 plates... WTF loh! Very BU FU DE REN LOH, He push all the blames to me and say i never pass him all the plates and worst is he never even wanted to find his part on his place waiting for me to help him do so, first time see this kind of person who make mistake and dont want own up... If own up i still dont feel so pissed off, but he just act like he dont know everything and push every faults to me even ask him which part number is that he also say dont know then how am i to know... Hopeless Liao~ So after chat with george he also know that part is for who to use even i dont need to tell the name, now i own him parts again... If he really to sell me that parts i still dont mind but now own him i still have to try to get back 2 to return him in 1 month time Nope 2 weeks time i left 2 weeks only... Hopefully i can hand over all my job to Loo and dont own any of them thing before i left... Soon after i get the part from warehouse i went back to assembly to pass him that plates and u know what he say to me anot, he say WO BU YAO( I dont want)... Wth loh, i borrow liao then he say he dont want that part now is like i lost that parts and i still have to beg him to mount on 3rd machine... So once i heard that words i just ask him in a rude manner u sure u dont want the plate and i just walked off from there to unit side and michael ask me what happen cause he heard david calling me using oie oie oie oie instead of calling my name so i just dont care and contiue my walks, act like i will beg him to mount the parts for me... Like i dont know how to mounts myself just that this is not include in my job but if i happy i will help out when i free but mostly is on weekend cause only that day not much people to do that machine so i have to hand on... Loo first time saw i hand on he tease me u still remember how to hand on mah, that time he show funny face to me somemore... Later not long frank came to unit side and talk to me nicely ask me pass him that plates and he say david now wanted that parts le, JaspeR: sure anot he wanted that parts i thought he say dont want why now he want liao! Frank: cause just now he not ready to mount now he ready le, he sometime high and low de so now please pass him that plates... I was thinking not frank problem yet he say please to me i feel bad when i heard that please loh so Please dont anyhow use PLEASE, i will feel bad de... SO i just walk back wanted to pass him that part and he still can happily sitting on chair chatting on phone loh... so i just throw on the table and i go back pack my part and get ready to send to japan using DHL, he farking wasting so much of my time and i cant finish my work now saturday i have to go back to work.. Spoil my weekend again, If not i will be going Kbox with Ken and his friends which i dont know de but nvm dont know also can make friends... Just now at 5.30pm i went to change my clothes and pack my laptop then went to toilet to wash my face so that wont look so moodless or so blackly, when i board the bus the very first person i saw is lay jun and she was sitting alone actually wanted to sit with her but think about it again i not in the right mood so i went behind sit alone and listen to my song and read my book might help me cool down ba... Soon after i alight i start to chat with her again and then we walk till her blk and she up then i walk toward fajar buy my dinner again, BORED Pack food again... Macdonald again, how i wish got someone accompany me eat dinneR even just for 1 day i also will be touch n happy le.... After that i walk back to station and take train back home, half way it started to rain and i'm wet la but i love it so long never being wet in the rain... after that i reach home eat my dinner and went to bath then went out to jurong east le to pass my time sheet and then i went home to cure that stupid virus that why now i can blog this long long Naggyy Blog of mine... Recently i went online to shopping and saw alot of clothes very nice but not for guys la, lolx~ i wanted to go taiwan n hongkong or japan also can la, i want shop shop shop.... Tml still have to work so sian, haiz hope tml everything go smoothly time for me to sleep le so late le...

Xiong at 12:04 AM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ops, last night having dinner with my sister family at bukit panjang then follow by meet up with wenyong and we went for a small drink cause not feeling right or maybe i not in a gd mood, but we chat for sometime and even walking around at bukit panjang...Lolx~ 2 of us nothing better to do just walk around and while walking we chat about RS, Friendships, Familys... Wenyong say i have a very good friendships, but i dont think so cause i dont really know how to chat with them at the right time using right word... sometime i might even hurt them without knowing it... Then about family, i only think i more close to my sister then my parent... maybe they dont understand what i really wanted to do in my life, wanted to join police force so much yet i cant join cause i scare i might regret if i sign on... My uncle once ask me what i wanted to do after i ord, i told him study? or working? he say that if i dont like study then dont waste time just go work at least can earn some exp... i think so but that time i dont really know what i want now i know wat i want to do... I want to study at psb cause i think gov sch i cant get it... i appeal 5 time this yet they told no space no space~ dont know real anot loh... My grades abilt low but hao friend even lower then me and he can get... haiz~anyway already over le! Lastly we chat till RS, wenyong say alot of gal like him, he think he is jay r JJ ar... Lolx dont make me laugh pls, if xiaoti or ken saw this post sure laugh at u loh... He ask me how was my Rs, i reply him that no gf cause no pple want me...Lolx~ actually i saw a cute cute gal but dont dare to woo her.. I dont have confidence with myself, i being thinking about my hair and chara... i ask this stupid qns and wenyong reply me this idiot answer, J>Do u think i have this kind of long hair look like ah beng?
Wenyong> YESH! omg i dont want to be ah beng just like long hair can cover my pimples and cover my fat face~ Lolx!! Next is my chara, J> how do u think of me? wenyong> No confident but gd at cheer friends up... I dont think i gd at that loh maybe making funny things or joking around counted cheer then i has nothing to say loh! I should not have ask him this qns cause he only reply me idiot answer... I did asked bee ling this few qns, but she reply me, u very funny person and a gd person... that all! i thought can know wat type of chara others think about me... I think i maybe fan or nagging alot of craps, but that still ok la... Ken yesterday call me telling me he now going KL with Friends to enjoy his weekend and a few days of leave, wth calling me just to tell me this... I also feel like going, but now not very safe to go there... so i just ask hi to takecare anything call me, since when i not been helping him when ever he face problem... just like my small brother and xiaoti just like my elder brother...lolx~ if i really have brother then that gd...haha~ i wanted to cut my hair again... i dont want to look like ah beng~ Hate it~ Haiz enough of craps n naggings!

Xiong at 4:24 PM

Recently I'm feel so bad and might hurt others, If i hurt any of u, I'm sorry... Since i start working at panasonic factory solution i gave up alot of things, like gaming or chatting with oversea friends online.. Actually playing game all the time i also very bored and now already 21 still not mature enough just like small kid that joking around... Maybe is time for me to turn thing seriously, i got no confidence recently or think too much or stress... Too much work for me to do and i cant finish it on my own, is like everyone is pushing their problem to me keep on asking me to help and act like i'm so free.. I dont even have time to completed my works, recently really busy till i have to share with yoko work... Now i know why yoko can change so much during this pass 3yr from black hair turn white that scary, On thursday i not in a very good mood and i not being speaking to any one that near me... If i hurt u, i'm sorry! My work being mess up again, this is the 3rd time since i work there... damn pissed off when u saw how messy that hardship of work u done and now it turn to piece of rubbish, now i have to redo and even going back office on saturday to redo, cause of doing this shit i cant complete my others work that in my hand... I damn sad when this happened to me, i evening have to bring home to do..this weekend is total finish due to work work work....Argg~ Worst things is now i total cant do it at home and end up blogging this post, i cant install my microsoft office program to my com it keep on asking me for cd-key but i already key in yet cant use... HaiZ, This weekend is total gone, feel like chatting with someone or maybe can someone cheer me up~ Now everyone since to go out or go back camp, Argg! This wednesday going to cck for badmintion and i dont know want go anot cause so many works to do, being trying to invite 1 friend go too but she not going maybe she feel shy n strange... Friday night after my OT i meet keming at lot1 for dinner since sometime at last there someone having dinner with me, Lolx! Saturday was a bored day for me, i leave office at 3.30pm cause i dont feel like working le so i leave with loo and follow by i went to farja buy food for my sister to eat and i bot other drama for myself to enjoy... Corner with love( actually i watched finish le) but just feel like watching again~ next show i think i will buy xue zi nu wang... Wanted to watch that show so much~Type so much crapping and nagging so much, now cant my work wonder anyone have microsoft office to lent me... i think today i can only stay at home resting... If anyone have and can help me please go msn or call me~ Thank!

Xiong at 3:48 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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