Avril Lavigne

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today was end of Oct also a raining day early in the morning and ya i never use umbrella cause not used to that umbrella in my bag also my medical appointment at NNI so i taken half day off in the noon by the way also my last day of work in R&D.. Althought i dont feel like leaving there but no choice i have to leave, but never mind there will be a better place for me... Today in office darling was talking about my last day and i abit miss her, imaging someone who treat the one like wat ur mum did to u wat will u feel... So touching only 3 months time but i get to know alot of nice person and darling even know i was leaving and she cook japanese noodle for me and even sweet corn.. The japanese noodle actually got this name in english call lucky noodles which bring good luck to me where ever i go... Really very nice of them, and after i eaten it frank came over to me ask me stay till end month lolx! Actually i dont quite like frank cause he everytime trying to find out somethings from me which i dont like to say so he will sweet talk to me and Blah blah blah with me la but in the end still no result lolx! Today was a boring day cause i own warehouse too much parts le untill now i cant clear up, and i get scolded from frank cause i went to assembly without wearing cap la... My hair cover with wax and want me to wear that cap and that cap is really a burden when doing works, dont know how they think about it... Can ask those in assembly that cap is gd or burden for them... Saw MD during my trip to wee leng and i laugh at him cause he was looking at me using very strange look like he know me, Lolx and i cant control just laugh but he still laugh back at me really strange day... Today my dad meet me at home cause i ask him accompany me go appointment and he drove me there and lost our way during the trip to hospital la... While waiting for my turn to be called i sit there listening to song and i didn't know when and how i fall a sleep.. Until my dad wake me up and say it was my turn and i went into the room with my dad around... Same thing check my body and ask few qns and he say dont want to give medicines because the side effect is worst then what i get now... Nothing bad in my health and he ask me dont worry la and he give me open date which mean if i having problem i just call them and i can go back for review... My report stats i'm healthly and fit to kill a wild boar =p... After that we went to find prof lau but sad that never get to see him cause he was having meeting but he told me call him out for coffee when i free...Lolx! A very nice doctor and famous in tan tock seng... After that my dad send me to tiong bahru and he went off, i went to PSB academy to apply for my course but sad i have to pay extra moneys for extra lessons which last 4months and it cost $600... This $600 is for math and physics for my foundation modules la Hate math the most, physics never take before so i think should be quite fun cause i heard from others say physics is an interesting module...After i completed this 4 months and passed them then i can go further study... I think next few month will be stressful and tired, hope dont crash with my taekwondo lesson.. Lolx! My grading haven been changed to 29 of nov, soon i can change belt le...Lolx! Mun ji going china soon i wanted to ask him help me buy thing but dont know he know how to buy anot... If not i have to ask da huang to help me buy le, but dont know still can contact him mah since so long le... Oh ya on my way home i saw kian seng and he told me he work near tuas too but i dont understand why he dont want continue to study, his result was so much better than mine yet he dont want to study... Anyway hope he know wat he doing and he happy can le, ya reach home and now alone at home cause my parent went oversea tonight and my sister was working night shift so left me alone at home but going back bukit panjang to stay la... My sister stomach was like a watermelon maybe bigger and soon going to give birth yet she want to sleep late go home late everything also late... Dont understand why, there are alot of thing i dont understand last time dont wear cap dont scold now when i leaving and dont wear cap he scold so strange maybe cause i leaving that why he scold me.. By the way i dont know how yoko know i leaving today and since to know where i going to...Lolx! he like everything also know... Hope i went to sleep and tml will have a better day...Tsk Tsk, i want to save money for my school fees and wanted to buy a lappy... Maybe finding a tutor for my math too... There are alot more for me to learns, today yoko was very polite and he tell me no matter where u go can learn things that is good enough... Hmm i still thinking of wat jason told me, he asked me want to help him use auto cad to draw mah... But i feel very sian if just drawing only cause cant get to learn new things... Anyway i already leave them le so cant regret la... Ok la, enough of my crap and broken englishs! =)

Xiong at 10:08 PM

Monday, October 29, 2007

Last thursday After work meet keming at lot1 for dinner and wanted to buy shoes bag cause i need it for my taekwondo lesson so that i can put my shoes but after dinner i star to feel headache and feeling uncomfortable... So i leave keming there and went to take Lrt home, actually wanted to drop down at farja then went to see doctor but i think dont need to cause i still had medicine at home so i just went back home and eat my medicine then went to bath and take a rest follow by watch vcd which i just bot on tuesday and wednesday... On friday morning didn't go to work not because i wouldn't wake up, i already wake up at 5am plus and can just take shower and go work but cause i feeling very hot on my forehead so i didn't go company and went back to sleep of course i got inform loo and frank that i take half day in the morning la.. But about 10am plus i sms them again and told them i not feeling well so didn't go work la...Sian hate to fall sick, cause have to eat medicines and cant eat alot of yummy la... On evening time kc called me asked me got go taekwondo lesson mah, actaully not going de but in the end still go la cause i dont want to missed any lesson still remember i have target.. I going toward my aims! 1 yr 6months Time! So i meet kc at jurong east mrt platform and we go together, Over there i get to meet new friends but all was black belt le la only me la but never mind they told me i can make it if i want too... Ya i beileve i can make it too, So after training we went to bukit gombak for supper but the supper is mac la and we stay there chat untill 1am plus actually i not so sure wat they was talking about but never mind la just listen only la then follow by i cab home alone and they going choa chu kang only me going back jurong cause i want to settle some stuffs and use computer la to edit some song and dl songs from hao! About 3am chee mun sms me asking me want to play dota anot but i was busy la so didn't get to play with him... On satuday i woke very late due to late sleep last night, about 4pm then wake up and wash up then sit on that chair again like no life everyday just on that chair... But not long later aaron called me asked me want play dota mah, is like everyone wanted to play with me cause i very pro or i easy to bully... So basic the rest of day is playing dota with aaron and waiting for chee mun who i know at company la, he came over and ask me u playing games mah? then i just told him last time cause i very long time never play game liao since working it like quitting gaming le loh... But only sometime play with aaron and xingxing other then that just editing song and scripts, trying to edit new html but till now haven complete cause still very lazy to continue it la... At about 10.30pm i went to bath and follow by went out meet xiaoti and ken cause ken say long time never gather liao then he want come jurong meet us ask us to go down then after we meet i called azhar to come down meet us too cause we 4 are like brothers and we sat down and chat for very long time, untill now 3 of them still smoking la but azhar started to smoke lesser and ken still the same only grow huge and the rest still the same la only me grow fatter la other then that hair still the same like to keep long and neat la... We chat untill 1am plus going to 2am then we went off cause ken wanted to poo la and he keep on say bu ke yi tahan liao la...Lolx! No offence Ken! Ken also say my english too gd liao cause alot of broken english and grammar mistakes If dont have those mistakes then i wont be called jasper liao... My ang moh too power liao, that why ken keep on saying me la... If anyone out there being reading my blog please tell me where my mistakes is so i can improve and keep changing it... Thanks! On sunday i wake up at 10am plus and wash up then sit on that chair again, but this time i was busy editing my ipod nano la cause my sister mess up my itunes then all my songs lost and i have to reinput them again spent alot of time doing that la... Then my cousin came over to my house and accompany me go trim my hair cause too thick and messy so i wanted to keep neat so went over to trim and cut short abit only and shao kai let me try the new hair wax with 18 different kinds of colours after apply my hair reflect those colour on it and look nicer than before...Lolx! I thinking of buying that wax but no stock now cause they are from korea but still not sure which colour to buy maybe bronze just like my hair colour or copper red la... i change abit of my hair style keep 2 side of my hair from back to front but still short la so i think of going for hair extention and but scare maybe spoil my hair la so i think i just let them grow and just trim bit by bit...i want to highlight my hair but still not long enough cause i want 2 colours... After trim my hair we cab down to grandma house and being cheated by my sister cause she ask me go ntuc buy flowers but i walk there and that aunty say we dont sell flowers so just went back to grandma house and eat dinner and we went to commonwealth... Go to that smelly sheng song to buy thing as usual i bot my HL milk and Meiji coffee milk and cheese and ice mountain cause they are my breakfast la... Then went back home was so tired, after bath just went to sleep le... Today woke up early in the morning and prepare to go take bus, fall a slp in the bus and reach company about 7.15am then went to toilet to wash up and went back to office to change clothes... Was a very boring day cause the whole day doing stupid things and jason asked want to stay to help him draws using auto cab but i very long never use auto cab le and i leaving on wednesday cause this wednesday is my last day in company... But i not staying till late cause this wednesday also my medical appointment, have to collect my report and need to go to NNI... I think My dad is going too cause i not sure this time need spent how much so asked him to go along so he can help me pay la... Also thinking of going PSB academy to apply for my course, Hope my report result is positive! I went to aunty house for dinner cause everyday eat outside until i sian liao dont know what to eat, everyday have to think wat to eat.. So Sian! At last i get my taekwondo uniform now no need to wear track pant le can just wear the white pant go company and then go for lesson at night... I being slim down le maybe not eating healthy food and skip my lunch.. So tired, hope i can just fall a slp now but still have to wait for my sister then go back together with her cause her stomache was like bowling ball and even bigger than that... Soon she going to give birth le and i will be left alone at home haiz! OK la that all for today.... Cherish Your loves one and those people around you Better than regret after u lose them... =)

Xiong at 7:32 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

At last i get to had monday blue this week cause early in the morning i was not feeling well le but still went to work as normal la, about break time my head was sinking heavy and i feel very tired so i went over to mun ji table took his paracetamol to eat hope can feel better la but since like no use at all... Awhile more i went to tell mun ji i not feeling well so he drive me to see doctor and cause he still need to rush back to company so just drove me there and went back to work le.. So i went in alone and waited for my turn, I sitting at that long and wide sofa which make me feel like lying down and ya i lying down and fall a slp la...Lolx! But i still got wake up and take a look incase it miss my number la... But i was like jelly loh keep on lying down and dont want to move at all... Soon it call my number and i went into that room and saw this lady who attend to me, i thought was a guy who knows is gal la.... Abilt shy la can mah? She told me i having fever and throat abilt red red since like going to sore throat or wat la... Then she say giving me some medicine to eat and ask me rest more, and she gave me 1 day MC ONLY... So i walk out to collect my medicines and i went back to jurong house la cause nearest mah.. After i reach home i taken the medicine and start to slp le... When i wake up it was at night about 9pm plus and i just continue to slp la untill 3am i wake up eat medicine again and went back to slp again, untill this morning mun ji call me ask got go back to work mah so i told him no... Still not feeling well and i know that i having sore throat le, untill 9am i keep on received calls from company asking me where is this parts and say part making ask me go collect thing and receiving finding me la... Omg i not in office no one seem to know it, first is yoko call me asked to send part to japan then follow by uncle neo saying part making ask me go collect part and then receiving finding me.. Why i sick also want to call me to work...Haiz! Give me a break can mah? So i went back to slp but cant slp le la maybe last night slp too much le... I woke up went to brush teeth and wash up even take shower and went out for breakfast but still the same la after order the foods yet no appetite for it so i just eat few mouth and just went off le, after i reach home taken the medicine i start to sit on the chair checking my email and surf net.. Awhile more edwin message me thru msn asking u sick ar? J: ya! Edwin: have u see doctor? J: Yes! Edwin: When will recovered? J: how i know when i will recovered! Edwin: Haha! Asking this kind of qns how am i going to answer him... So lame right? So basic i was sitting down the whole day listening to songs and surf net la cause i cant slp at all but still counted i am resting la... Later on still need go back bukit panjang, haiz tml need to work again... Sure have alot of stuff waiting for me de loh, wont help me to do de loh even i am sick will only leave it there wait for jasper to come back to do loh... Haiz! Tonight going to slp early le cause the medicine may make me over sleep, I haven send out my forms yet... Need at least 6 weeks for them to check whether want accept me mah... Better hurried up before too late... I go bath and get ready to go off le if not too late le... Oh my dad throw away my extra slipper, so today go out eat make me need to wear jean and shoes la... Sian i just bot the extra slipper and haven even wear before... Wasted! Lucky not so Expensive slipper, if not i sure heart pain! Lolx! Wanted to cut short my hair and finger nail cause going to have grading early december la Yesh, getting my uniform this friday so happy... Thinking of cutting short hair only got confirm wanted to cut short...

Xiong at 6:06 PM

Sunday, October 21, 2007

This Week Had Nothing Special cause basic i was just work, work and work only...Oh ya only Tuesday work OT then go Choa chu kang meet keming, ya he was late la and make me wait for 30minutes la.. Then We dinner at long john and take a walk there and i bot 1 pair of track pant for my taekwondo which cost me $30 plus and we went off, That day while on my home my dad called me and ask me want go climb hills later on mah.. Omg It was already 8pm plus and he ask me go climb hills but anyway i still go la, got chance to go out with him why not i try going leh... But not just both of us la still got my aunty and uncle too so i went to meet my aunty first then my uncle come and fetch us and drove us there... We reach there about 10.45pm le and i was sleepy le, but still go on la cause already there le why dont continue leh if i just stay in the car slp i might as well dont go... so we meet up with few uncle which i nvr see them before and they look fierce and fit la, carrying alot of tools and each of us taken torch light and i was 2nd person to walk la, After awhile we reach this place where has many tombs la and they say want to dig out my dad grandma bones and change to other place to buried la then i know why i go there for le... Because i the older grandson la, that why they ask me go la but i dont mind cause i never saw before how they dig and how the bone was look like after 6x plus yr... So i stand there watching them dug and when about 12pm they found abilt only and that all as that uncle say... so that day i was so tired and i was the last one to be send home la cause i was the younger mah... After i reach home was about 2am and i went to bath and wash my clothes and hang them up which was about 3am le... HaiZ, Ya the next morning i too tired and i was totally lying down on my bag to slp la cause too tired to sit up slp...That day i was totally blur like sotong and even pples call me and i never heard, So during lunch time i stay in office to slp and never eat my lunch la... Being staying at office this week cause i was busy working and very tired... I had to run 2 side cause now i still helping R&D and need to go PC help out too, PC there was like frozen Palace loh just a small room and only 3 person ther...Eeeee That Shit! On Wednesday Night after work i went to bukit panjang buy disc and take photo cause i applying for membership card and schooling too, i was staying there till 8plus then go home cause i was watching show there, haha! Very funny show so in the end i bot it la... I went to Ntuc too wanted to buy sweet corn but dont know how to choose and keep on take and put back in the end never buy just bot my snacks and coffee milks drink only...Lolx! Must learn how to pick fruits and veg all that so that i can cook myself next time... On thurday i was too tired again cause of late slp, watching vcd la... Lolx! That day i was working OT cause frank request me to stay la, that idiot ask me to do extra works and treat me like a fool la... Never mind la Forget it lazy to blog this, so when going home i saw rahun and we chat about the list i help him edit early and talk all about work la... Lay jun pass me the reburn disc but she dont want to the empty disc which i bot back for her, if she nvr accept the disc... I got this kind of feeling that is very strange and weird, Like bu hao yi shi ask her to reburn le then still want her to use her own disc... That day i was rough cause she want to return me the disc dont know i got hurt her hand anot cause i was like using alot of force to pull the disc... On friday morning i wake up in a very good mood cause i was going for taekewondo lesson at night and i worn that track pant and went to work, but reach office no mood liao cause that idiot ask me do extra works again.. Last time already do 1 time and pass the list to him le and now he ask me do again... If dont know how to take care of the list then dont ask for it la making me waste my time, and ya i didn't go for lunch again la... After work went to take that commonwealth bus to commonwealth change train to queentown cc la cause my training was there... I have to start from basic all over again and was so tired la but i dont know my rising kick still can kick so high...Lolx! Proud of my leg, Hehehe having grading at Early Dec hope i can skip 1 belt and go to the next belt... Now only white belt but white look nice, My cousin reach black belt 2nd Dan le so fast loh.. I wanted to train hard to get Black too... After training went back to bukit panjang but was feeling hungry so went to farja buy Mac then went back home, reach home was very late le about 12am... Then bath and slp le, On saturday morning xiaoti sms me early in the morning 6am ask me go eat breakfast i was like wah first time he wake up so early to sms me loh,,,Lolx! No offence, but i was at bukit panjang so cant go with him la then i went back to slp and woke up at 9am plus cause going to hospital for injection, Not me ok i wont take injection de loh...lolx! Is junjie going to take his 2nd injection la but he seem like not scare at all or he dont know anything just look like at that bottle of sweets, he just 1 yr ago le... Then we went to yishun cause my sister need go for check up cause dec going to give birth le so i was the one that need to take care of her la, but she accompany me go causeway point to buy new hp again... I just sell my w580I cause that keypad not very lasting just used for 1 week and that phone got problem so i just sell it and buy other phone la, I now using W910i the latest sony ericssion walkman phone... Hehe, This phone still not bad but the volume is very soft even u max it... But no choice since buy le then cant complain much la... Still waiting for his Case out if not i sacre may scatch it la... Today i woke up early in the morning to edit the new phone la cause i wanted to put song inside and dl theme all that la but too bad theme still cant find la then now using ugly theme... but already store 9x song inside le...Lolx! I got2Gb M2 so wont scare no space, Hehe! Now Going to grandma house to meet my sister le... Till now i haven go collect my clothes... 2 week le, still haven collected back.. Haha! Lazy! Now i hope today is friday so i can go collect my taekewondo uniform, no need to wear track pant.. Lolx! This week still not bad i get 2 new album song from jolin and pan wei bo oh and chen wei lian, His song was nice then pan wei bo de loh... Now i was like keep on listening to it... Ok la When I go back jurong then i update again... Hui si was like disappear in the earthing, Lolx! Never contact me for so long... Idiot Tako Huisi!

Xiong at 3:22 PM

Monday, October 15, 2007

Last Friday i went home to bath then went to causeway point to change my phone but no stock la, just use for 2 day and there some problem with it.. HaiZ! Meeting nate at causeway point but he was late la so end up i take train went to choa chua kang to meet him up then we went to jurong point for dinner and shop awhile, after dinner we meet PC mananger and just a hi to him and we walk off dont know wat nate talk to him la cause i buying drink... Then we went to arcade to have a look and went to converse shop cause i wanted to buy some Shirt to wear but no nice 1... We walk around the whole mall and went to basement to buy drink but end up buying mocha at coffee bean la.. Long time never drink that le, then nate buy that black forest drink dont know how it taste la cause never drink before... After that we went to take train home, i went back bukit panjang and he went to his girlfriend house which is at sembawang but awhile more he sms me say that his gf never meet him then he going back home la.. Lolx! When i reach home about 11pm le quite late le normally this time i already bathed or lying on my bed listen to FM 93.3 waiting to fall a sleep le... But i reach home i saw my 3rd sister was at there too cause she waiting for me to come home then ask me want go back jurong together mah, so we cab home la and reach home cant watch TV due to some problem with the Tv and no one want to send to repair loh.. Being Months liao still dont want to repair now i cant watch scv la, but i can still surf net and do much more la... But that day i was tired so after bath i went to slp le.. Saturday morning i woke up at 7am cause i need to go back to work on Public holiday la, i already told loo on 13 oct i cant go back to work cause my house got some celebration going on yet frank request me to go back help la because of ah soon la, a person who work longer then me yet dont know how to check or do his work... So i cab back to company to work la who know i reach there ah kent was already there waiting for me to help him do his ipod nano which he just get it from singtel after sign up for his boardband, his ipod was better then mine althought both was nano but his was latest de and mine was old version de... haiz! but nvm la just change phone to walkman phone la can listen till i slp la...Haha! That day I Drive was down so cant work much so i went down to help out pack and record down those part i want to send to japan la, that stupid soon say he coming back in the end nvr saw him at all la, such idiot who dont keep his promise why would i help him do his work... That day only got ah kent, yoko, frank, wang and me la but hock lai also there to help out cause final machine is his work... wang also never keep his promise la cause we already say we leaving at 1.30pm but end up leaving at 3pm loh, and i was late for the celebration la... Wang told me that he want to get some Xtra shirt cause he got not enough to wear so we cab to farja to buy some coffee power so that he can bring over for them too but end up telling me he dont want buy there then together we went back to my house for the celebration la, was total full of pples so i bring wang to my room and only both of us and 1 of my cousin who very close to me la.. Wang ask me to go eat first before we went out to buy shirt cause he know that i from morning helping them till afternoon haven eat so i went to take some food to eat la but those food not very nice leh, dont know why my sister order that.. When i was going back to my room someone called me but i just dont care and walk straight back to my room cause i dont want to be nagged by someone and i went back to my room la sawing wang chatting with my cousin and holding my phone la say that wanted to play with it cause new phone... Soon after i eat finish, we went to bukit panjang plaza to buy clothes but wang tell me that he not buying it le i also dont know why la.. Awhile more he say going back home first cause at night want take plane to japan la so planning to send him off de but he say dont need, then left with my 2 cousin and my cousin gf la.. We will planning to watch movie but 1 of them say play game so we went to bukit timah plaza to play game la, in the end my cousin gf end up slping there kaoz want bring gf out yet nvr take care of her... still thinking of playing game wth... Soon after i saw she slping there and i ask my cousin to stop le so i went up to the cashier to pay la cause i knew it liao, everytime went out with my cousins i'm the one paying it... Who call me to be the oldest among them la... So the time was late and we plan to has our dinner but i planning to go back bukit panjang cause near my house mah i can go home slp la cause very tired le, but they end up planning to watch movie at causeway point la so we cab there and i the one paying the fare again...lolx! so we had our dinner there and still the same i'm the one paying for that dinner again...Hahaha, so funny that day i was like spenting my moneys on them loh and i dont feel heart pain at all...Lolx! Soon after that we went back to choa chu kang cause i meeting ken at night, and i called xiaoti but he just woke up and dont plan to come out so i call ken to cancel la cause i was tired too.. Then we take Lrt to farja first cause my cousin sending his gf home and i waiting for him at the 7-11 la so went in to buy some drink and snack to eat la, then we walk home from there la cause suddenly feel like walking abilt maybe too long nvr walk... Some Exercise for my health ba, lolx.. When i reach home, i walk to my room and found that letter... At last i being waiting for that letter to come now it came, i was so happy and open up to read it soon after that i went to bath and my brother-in-law asked me u drink ar? ya i drink abilt that day cause not in a very gd mood la cause of wang la... so after bath i went back to my room to pack my thing cause abilt messy and my cousin was staying there too la... My sis want him to slp in my room dont know why la there was other empty room yet still want him to slp in my room... HaiZ, watever reasons it is i dont mind la cause i was half dead le... But sawing my cousin cant slp so i ask him want watch Dvd anot cause hock lai lent me die hard 4, transformer and fantastic 4 then i accompany him watch that transformer and i too tired so i went back to my room and slp and leaving him alone watching.. Sunday, early in the morning my cousin wake me up asking go eat breakfast but i usually dont eat breakfast unless had to la.. So i just tell him u go eat urself i want slp awhile more cause i tired, soon after awhile more he come again ask me give him password to access the computer la but i told him the computer net got problem yet he dont beileve so i just show him la and i went back to slp again... About 1pm someone pressing my door bell and it was so noisy that i had to went out to open up the door la and it end up is my cousin and my sister la, come on la give me a break i very tired and i dont know why la... It seem that i dont get enough slp even i slp for very long, dont know why la... They bought my lunch for me and we was sitting in the living room and i ask my sister later she going to grandma house anot and yes she reply me, so my cousin went back home to bath and change clothes and my sis waiting for my bro-in-law to come back then go togther and left me alone in the house again cause i dont feel like go there so early la, i went to wash my clothes and bath then i went out wanted to take cab to jurong first de, but my cousin call me in time and we meet up at choa chu kang then take train to my grandma house... When reaching there i saw my sister inside a cab carry my aibi in her hand la so i walk up to help her, bring aibi out for walk walk cause wanted to show junjie la... Bring dog out is so troublesome la, had to takecare of his safety and when he poo u have to clean up for him... HaiZ, not my day la... When reach grandma house every one seem like ready to nag at me asking still working mah, when go back to study and alot more l.. my grandma even say wah u slim liao hor, ya i know i slim down le cause i being losing weight which i dont know why ok? soon after dinner i nearly pissed off cause not in gd mood and they asking me qns which i already reply them and they keep on asking the same qns la making me pissed, tell them also no use cause they dont understand it only my sis know wat i wanted so she just keep quite and see them ask me la... So i just walk off from them la... Soon my 3rd sister wanted to leave and i end up leaving with her cause i wanted go back jurong today la... Monday which was today i having Exam and i nvr study la so in the end i fail the test loh and already knew it la, totally no mood to study at all.. But i did try to study la but seem like cant remember it in my brain la... Ok La, time to talk about myself, I knew that since i give her that present i already scared her le so i think i should try to stay away from her so that she wont feel awkward and now wang go do that stupid thing i think she dont avoid me is lie de. Jump into huang he also cant clear my name liao la.. Tml i think going to be awkward la but i think i should apologize to her la cause of my phone la...Haiz but i also dont know how to say leh, Wang now not in singapore wah lao.. Haiz! hao fan ar, Suan le ba... My cousin asked me to pick up some courses so that i can keep fit and do some exercise at the same time can release stress la, so i apply for taekewando la together with my cousin cause he already black belt and wanted me to join him so i think end up seeing white belt beating up a black belt guy Lolx! Lesson start this coming friday le but abilt far from my house la actually thinking of applying at zhen hua cc de but my cousin say got many type of taekewando la, watever is it i want to aim for black belt, 1 yr or maybe less then that... I going to get black belt! Ok La, going to bath and meeting nate le...

Xiong at 8:00 PM

Monday, October 08, 2007

Last Friday went to tan tock seng for further check and i reach there at 2.20pm which just nice for my appointment time so i sat there and wait for my turn but i sat there for few hour and waited for so long and still not my turn yet about going to 5pm the nurse call my name and i go in and found out that doctor was a india lady so i feel abilt weird why must be girl to help me check up... Then she help me check my eye, muclse, head, ear and even my blood presure, asking me to stand up to take my blood presure and even sitting down or walking so it still the same answer my heart still the same so may need to take heart screening on next appointment and brain screening too... Then she asked me to do blood test first cause cannot 1 time do all those test not good for health, i knew it that i must take blood test when i heard blood test i was like Faints.. =( So after awhile went to other room for blood test and sitting on that chair make my heart beat jump faster and i keep on asking same thing,Lolx! Pain anot la, how many ML la and can qin yi dian mah? I know la a guy scare of injection is like omg, But everyone had something to afraid of la... But that day that nurse speak untill so loud that everyone was looking at me, So MaRu loh.. Nurse: What ur age now? J: 21 this yr. Nurse: 21 liao still scare of pain ar? J: Shy plus Shame... Nurse: Dont need to scare la not pain de. J: I also not pain, just the needle only some more 2 tube leh... When she injected me i was turning my head to my back and dont dare to see loh and all of a suddenly my tear just flow down from my eye... Dont know why got tear flow down la but confirm not crying la... Then went back to that room sitting down and that doctor told me that next appointment i may need to be moitored in hospital for 24hr cause of my heart and may need to do a brain screening...If 1 day u saw me but i nvr saw u dont mistaken that i dao u or wat, maybe that time happen that my vision is blur so u can just came over and tag me... On Saturday morning i woke up very early cause i eat medicine and fall a slp last night so i didn't go back jurong la, woke up at 9am plus and went to take shower follow by went back to jurong waiting for aaron to call me.. Because we going to climb that hill that day, that day was very hot and both us of climb up high and i was picking up Something la while he was sitting there drawing, i can only say his drawing was good... She can draw lady in a very beautiful position, and about evening time we went back home and chat online even play game till night la follow by went to slp... Sunday i woke up at 1pm cause not going anywhere today, in the late noon i went to jurong point to meet wenyong cause i wanted to buy some gift for my collegues before i leave company la but never found... So i just bought cheese cake and some sushi home, oh i saw milubing at jurong point having dinner...LolX! At night about 11pm plus i went to yew tee to meet that ebay seller to collect the item i bot from her and i told her i was shorty and fatty guy and when she saw me she say u where got fat loh... Ya maybe she dont know last time i was so skinny untill my friends say u so fat now... But now i being losing weight for no reason but that good la i can get back to normal size...Lolx! 1 More week and i going to leave company le, haiz abilt hate to leave... =( I saw this hp at singtel web and i quite like it so planning to change it on this week, Sony ericssion W580 look nice but dont know which colour to choose la maybe black or white that grey also not bad la... Still thinking! Dont know what happen xiaoti since to look restless and that night we meet and chatting about alot things and i told him about my problem and he say u too gd liao that why everyone since like bullying u... But i dont think i good to everyone... Hock lai also say i too easy to be bully by others... Maybe la whatever isit i dont mind la... But just dont over do it la if not i pissed off i dont know what will i do la... Haiz, appointment on 3 week time... Hopefully my blood test is gd..

Xiong at 4:42 PM

Thursday, October 04, 2007

This Morning wake up at 7am and take a shower follow by went to had health check up, over there i waited for very long and at last is my turn to see that doctor and follow by do a ECG scan and found out my heart since like not very normal and wanted to send me for further check up which is tomorrow at tan tock seng hospital in the afternoon so planning to take half day off in the noon... That doctor say to me such young age got so many problem le, please not i want so many problem de loh some more this kind of thing not i can decide whether want or dont want de... Hopefully everything normal la if not i going to cry liao! Hope tml wont have blood test or need to admin to hospital... Today was a tired day for me, so after reaching office everyone since to wait for me to works... Keep on pushing me to corner, even frank keep on come and disturb me.. Why cant they do themself and always want to find me or push everything to me... Even Ah soon and uncle neo also find me help them do their things, then how am i going to finish my work that in hand... If i know they like this today i dont want go back liao, actually i have mc but i went cause scare cant finish my work and dont think loo know where i stop and haven report to yoko about the machine status... But this morning yoko did called me and ask about some part la but i never pick up cause that time i still doing ECG scan so not being able to pick up but i did called back after that... On wednesday on my way home i got scared during the trip in that bus, i saw cockroach clawing on my bag.. dont know where he come from so er xin clawing on my bag, lucky i saw it if not he may climb to my body.... Haiz, tml dont know how i afraid of going for that check up... Now i know what this mean, ( People come people go, You Never know what going to happen tomorrow... Cherish What you have and your love ones.)! Anyway Going back home prepare for tml thing le..

Xiong at 7:17 PM

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Last night was a tiring day i fall a sleep in train and wake up at farja stop, lucky still can wake up if not i going back to chua chu kang again.. Today totally not my day, walk here and there to do work and find parts even had to help receiving take back their part from PC and even has to go parts making to collect cam box and Lm guides so many thing to rush out...HaiZ! Today i went to borrow part from Pc again, i went to find george but he not free and recommend me go find Quek so i just went over to find him and tell him which part i want to borrow from him... He straight away say this to me from a rude manner: why everytime come lent part from me, lent so many time but never return to me yet... JaspeR: Not i lent from u how i return u somemore i not the one making part and they dont want come how to return u... Then he change topic use paper to suan me and scold me saying everytime come here borrow part but never bring papers everytime want me to lent u papers, JaspeR: i where got come here use ur paper and dont want return u.. Q: You go and take papers then come back again.. JaspeR: I use george paper first later i tell him then return him can mah? Q: Nonono, u go take papers if not dont borrow... JaspeR: ok loh, i go take papers... Then i was like sian cause he use last time R&D peoples borrow items and papers on me, WtH loh not my business also why scold me using all that if dont want lent me part can just say no need say so much excuse and keep on rub those words on me... I can confirm no 2ND time i will ask him lent me parts and confirm don't come beg me to lent him parts, every time come find me for parts i also never say anythings just lent him but now i just want to borrow 1 items from him yet so much naggy and complain to him even make me look like a fool, i maybe like to jokes around and tease with friends but not a person who let people play around like monkey... Just because I'm just a T-staff and making fun of me, very fun MA? Ask me all the way from his desk go back to my office take papers and return him then he print out the form for me to collects... That very moment i was pissed off nearly suan him back, not because that part is i promise wee ling pass her later on i already talk back liao... Waste so much of my time scolding me for what might as well spent more time doing ur work better... I think i was the most stupid fool in R&D or maybe too Tian Zhen just like what my uncle uses to say about me, To think i believes every words he say to me and i truth him so much and even so respect to him...LolX! Loo told me was totally different from what he used to asked no wonder recently he never even wanted to talk about it, Loo say he want me to extend but not in R&D in other place, was like use finish and kick 1 side... To think i believe wat he say to me and now then i found out i was a fool being make use by him, helping him with so much things.... But anyway say so much also no use, loo was telling me see wat he going to say to me first, cause since i wanted to study then might as well work here tell i get my school then leave this place... Anyway i need working exp and learn more things that school cant be taught, now i know why teoh wanted to leave no matter how yoko-san ask him to stay this must be 1 of the reason, Can chat with him but cant ask help from him during work time... Is a waste of time if u ask him for help cause he will only change topic and then he will leave very fast in front of u or change topic then make u confuse with what u wanted to do... Sh!t him!!! Don't ever ask me to help u again... Now i know what is called 2 sided face with only 1 truth colour, all this long i only feel sorry to yoko-san cause i dont think i can complete my work before i leave and had to leave this rubbish to let him clear... Only he the one who dont lie and will teaches, helpes and even do it himself then that freaking idiot who only know how to command yet dont know what to do even i new comer also know abilt of those parts... Totally Spoil my days and i was hardly talk with anyone was like being mute, If i know the out come i might dont want to know and just left company... So everyone who read this content dont ever too truth ur boss or manager if he or she sweet talk to you cause he/she may just wanted to make use of u and after that will be kick 1 side... Enough of blogging le time to work again, wanted to clear rubbish before i leave....

Xiong at 5:38 PM

Monday, October 01, 2007

Last Friday night i sleep at 4am because helping my sister fix her computer, so troublesome everytime anyhow open files which she dont know and get some stupid virus and spywares then she will call me ask for help..Kuku sister! Anyway i fixed it and went to sleep and end up not having a good night sleep and only sleep for 2 hours and woke up went back to work at 7am nearly wouldn't wake up lucky i can wake up due to that song in my handphone, but was in a rush for everytime and went to take transport lucky still can catch up if not have to take cab again...Lolx~ Since working i think i spent more, but actually i work cause want save moneys for study and learn car and even more but it look like i cant had my atm card and master card with me... Maybe i should just remove and leave it at home or ask my sister to keep or like older school day just give me abilt of money to eat and that it...Lolx! Ok after reach company i knew that i will be the 1st 1 in R&D and i went to my big meeting room and sit on my chair and start to work cause i dont want to keep it till monday then do so not long yoko come back and follow by jason and wong...About 1pm we went to rondye house for house warming and we went to see they play badminton, wong and me take part in 1 game and R&D Vs Pc and we win it...Lolx so easy to win that game but actually they will too tired to play... But i feel that we are too good le cause we wear jean to play...Lolx! Anyway unfair game for them, then went back to take my bag and went home togther with wong and at night actually going Kbox with ken but dont know why he suddenly dont want go le so cancel it and i stay at home watch tv and surf net... On Sunday i woke up at 3pm plus cause too tired liao and is wen yong call me then i wake up de if not i think i still piggy... So i called my sister ask whether she got go my grandma house mah if dont have then i not going le, so asnwer is dont have... Wen yong follow by come to find me and we went to jurong point to check eye cause wanted to change spec, but only wen yong change cause i dont like the frame so not doing then we went to basamalang to walk walk and wwe went to bukit panjang basamalang and buy ice cream that was special ice cream cause make of coke drink... after that we went back to farja for dinneR which was quite late about 9pm plus... Follow by wen yong ask me want drink mah, and he say this to me... WenYong: A Can of beer keep the doctor away... JaspeR: Bullshit~ where can everyday drinks not good for health and will harm body.. But acutally few months drink 1 time is good for health cause will help blood follow more smoothly, so we buy at 7-11 and drink while walking to the next station and take Lrt... When reach my stop wenyong was so idiot and hold my hand dont let go of me to alight.. Lucky he let go of me if not i sure miss stop, After reach home i slp at 2am cause helping my sister fixed her computer but untill now haven fixed cause her computer abilt troublesome and maybe i cant even fix it all cause my 2nd sis fault send virus to my elder sis comeputer... In the end reach company i was moodless and sleepy and walk so slow cause eye keep on closing... Today in offce that David is idiot then previous cause of he kpo he break my casting cambox and already assemble all those part on it just left only need to mounts on that big machine... So he spoil my day la, make me had to run here and there to find and borrow part from other, but i learn thing at parts making and even know new friends there... So after work i went home and bath then went back jurong to take my medical appointment card and tell my parent about my health is like having problem... i will like suddenly dizzy and my eye sight will be blur for awhile and total cant see... I scared of going for health screen.... Total Not My Day!! HaiZ Now going back sister house le.. See Ya!

Xiong at 7:22 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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