Avril Lavigne

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Last Week being very busy with work because frank keep on asking me to help R&D, So i help la if not i cant have peace.. On Thursday i didn't go for work because i was too tired and asked for off so i wake up at about 10am and bath than went back jurong and at home surf net and play game la... On Evening Time went to Lot1 meet keming for dinner and we ate at pastamania then went to pasamalang to buy cup corn and we went home.. On Friday went to work and nearly cant complete my work la but lucky i can finish in last minute. Went to taekwondo lesson and not very happy that night because i fall down while training my kick and it hurt so much, Mr yeo was not there that night so got this black belt uncle was so strict and i get scolded from him la saying u so old yet ur fist so weak... I was thinking why i need to use so much strenght during training, i might hurt myself or others... After training went back home and went to meet bee ling because wanted to pass her some Dvd and Vcd, We Exchange Shows to watch la...Lolx! Being staying at home for saturday and Guo hao send me this asked me to try because he say this is accurate so i try and i get this... Quite Accurate!

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Today I having Grading at kallang there and i abit nervous because going to have alot of peoples watching, Hope i can pass even double my rank la... After that i think going to my grandma house or maybe eating with my taekwondo friends ba... So Tired after doing so much exercise at home... SleepInG Time!=p

Xiong at 1:39 AM

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Last Week Being lazy to wake up even alarm ring so wake up late and in a rush because at night watching dvd till very late and on monday even slp only at 4am..Lolx! 16th nov 07 which is friday as usually went to work in the morning and start to pull drawing and even chat about blood donation but i never donation la because i sitll under medicines and scared la... After work went to taekwondo lesson and train for the grading la, ops Nash hurt his knee while training flying side kick and send to hospital for x-ray but lucky nothing happen la.. On saturday morning went to meet wen yong and then went to meet mun ji because we going to jason wedding at JB and after that me and wen yong went to city square to shopping la... From 5pm we shop until 10pm then went back to singapore la, I bot 2 T-shirt, 1 White jacket And 1 pole T... Lolx! shop quite alot la and was happy shopping la, We planning to go again next month la... 18th nov 07, i was feeling sick and having flu and cough so i lying on my bed till late afternoon then wake up and start to pack my thing and surf net... Actually today i not very happy because of some reason la, Was still thinking of studying next yr 13 feb 08 but now i dont think i attending le... Everythings was done le now then tell me, Haiz! So planning to give up studying le, Dont ask me why, because i dont wish to say la... Maybe is fate la, just hope that those unhappy Thinggs can just stay in this page! Dont wish to blogg anymore liao no moods at all....

Xiong at 10:12 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last friday was so busy and even last minute ask me to pull 2 Files of drawings, so i did half way and went off because i having taekwondo lesson... About 6.30pm i reach commonwealth and meet yongkang for dinner, he change alot le even hair style also change... After dinner wenyong call me and ask me want accompany him go woodland mah to do some stupid things la in return he accompany me go taekwondo lesson but i regret accept his offer la... Taekwondo lesson was excellent cause get to having free sparing and dont know i keep spare with small kids so i have to let them hit while i def because i scare i may hit them too hard la... Last round of sparing i get to spare with wenyong la but because this is his first time and he dont know how to fight la make me hurt my leg and now have to bandage la climb on stair will hurt alot la.... After taekwondo went to woodland and then go home slp... On saturday went to see doctor because i wake up and felt very pain my leg cant turn at all so went to see doctor after that i went home bring my dog out and cab down to bukit merah for BBQ and my uncle offer me beers so i drink 2 cup only la and felt very tired and went up take a rest... About 11pm plus we about go home so cab home again la cause i cant really walk too much and have to eat medicines, 8pills everyday HaiZ! Today wake up at 11am plus and start to wait for lunch to pack for me after lunch i was sitting on that chair the whole day because nothing else for me to do and cant walk much too... About evening time my dad came home and he saw my arm with that tattoo and he say why put this should put more nicer de mah...Lolx! To think my dad ask me put more nicer de loh, damn funny right... After dinner i been watching lian ren show was so nice, so planning to buy the vcd... Now i going to bath and go back bukit panjang le... Haiz hope my leg will recover soon, my grading is on 25th nov which is sunday from now to 25th still got 2 weeks...HaiZ!

Xiong at 8:18 PM

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Last week never blog because I was lazy and dont know what to blogg, Last friday went to taekwondo training and i get to train with kc groups and i learn somethings new from them... After training i was too tired so i went back jurong to stay and at that night i wouldn't sleep even i was very tired so i stay up till 5am plus then fall a sleep... On saturday i woke up at 6pm in the late evening and i felt so fresh after woke up so i on my computer and as usually i went to wash up while the computer set up, after that i went online trying to find aaron but when i call him he still in camp having duty for that weekend... So i check my hp see who finding me while i sleeping and i get to see this long number from hk if i not wrong but dont know who that la anyway nvm la.. But found that ken being calling me so i call back him yet no answer from him, that very day i had some feeling which i dont like it but the feeling since to be there and cant to wash away or throw away... That very moment i felt so lonely and bored so i called xiaoti wanted to ask him go out de but he say go out very boring leh so i never ask him out le just stay at home surf net read others peoples blogg and i saw baiwen blog which covered with alot of cake pictures and it so beautiful make me feel like eating it... On sunday meeting wen yong and we went to my grandma house and wen yong say he never enjoy such family's day because he dont have so many family members so i told him if u like u can join me every weeks... After dinner at my grandma house we went to tiong bahru to walk walk and my cousin and wen yong bot some present for their friends birthday la actually wenyong wanted to gift qifang and i know it too la but he want to surprise her la so i just keep zip my mouth loh... That night i sleep at 1am plus cause i cant slp and that feeling appears again, so the next morning i wake up at 2am plus and i thought is 5am plus le so i went back to slp in the end woke up at 6.40am la ya i was late for work le so just went to bath and went to take cab to work fail to attend the morning assembly but lucky still can make it for the morning meeting... So sian every morning have to attend meeting which make me sleepy la... That was not my day la cause someone pissed me off wanted to count so clearly about everything even A4 paper also wanted to count loh make me damn pissed off.. Even trying to ask me go back my office take my own papers loh, I know that now i not belong to R&D but also dont need to counts so clearly loh... On Tuesday, i went home very early after work cause wenyong say want to come my house to view my room la and he come up eaten up all my snacks and chocolate even drink my milk and fruit juice! Gone! That night went out for a drink with wenyong and i send him home and went home sleep... On wednesday went to work early in the morning and was raining so i was wet and in the bus i was so cold so wouldn't sleep, Reach company at 8am and was late for my meeting liao la due to raining day... So was in a rush to change clothes but forget to change into shoes la, lucky no one know and until now R&D still ask me to help them collect part and send part la.. I dont mind help them la but edmund keep on depend on me to help him then if i got lot of works to do how am i going to help him... Yoko-san also come to find me maybe he already used me to help him work ba so he keep on coming to my office la, Since i quit that time and being transfer back again i already knew they will still come and find me la... I thought i will be transfer to PC who know it was not PC and was purchasing HaiZ! Whatever la, After work i was so happy because going for BBQ with wenyong but felt sad cause was cancel la so me and wenyong went to queentown shopping cause i wanted to buy shoes bag and wallet... My wallet was spoil and i need a shoes bag la but never buy at all cause never saw those i like de... In the end i was end up sitting inside a tattoo shop because i wanted to put la, so i put a tribal on my arm and a dragon on my chest.. and went to zhou kitchen for dinner with wenyong and i pay for that dinner la and it cost $6x plus la... Because i just get my pay la, After dinner we take few pictures and take bus went back home.. Went to sleep after bath and today i woke up at 1pm plus la and went online chatting and now going for dinner and meeting wenyong at jurong point.. Haiz!, Tml Still need to work and have taekwondo lesson at night... Oh yeah saturday having Bbq, at last i wotn miss that...

Xiong at 6:33 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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