Avril Lavigne

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today was a tired day for me but also a happy day for me get my first bonus since working, tomorrow was a new day for me whatever it is life still need to carry on no matter what thing u encounter within... Just now while chatting with xiao jie found that she not herself since like got xin shi, no matter what will be over soon... After that i suddenly think of my pasts since 2004 till now 2009 i since to be cant forget it keep on reminded in my mind.. Since like when ever there someone feeling down i will be reminded of it again and again, Haiz now my turn not feel good... Anyone teach me how to forget things then i dont have to think so much..

Xiong at 12:23 AM

Friday, January 16, 2009

15 January 09, Thursday

Wake up early in the morning with the shock look, having nightmare yet dont know what i dream of just having a dream that not nice so did not sleep well went to work as normal but this time earl came to my house to fetch me and went for breakfast before went to work.. Reach JTC summit saw vincent as normal he still like to nag nag nag dont know why hate him so much, dont know what he really want just keep on talk talk talk just like a pig trying to talk to human... After that place we run off asap then i went back home to rest sit at home surf net and watch tv till night then went to sleep around 11pm plus... Last guo hao say he wanted to go poly to study aerospace i also feel like go back to study but i cant make up my mind because i dont know whether is i really want study or just dont feel like working that why have this kind of thinking... fan si ren, whatever it is just have to enjoy myself during chinese new year that 1 week block leaves... Apply for 4 days and did not plan what to do or where to go like wasting my leaves lor but never mind still have enough leaves to go redang if wanted to go... Off to work...

Xiong at 6:53 AM

14 January 09, Wednesday

Today same as tuesday went home for lunch cause earl have thing on so he send me home again and i cooked at home cause dont know what to eat, went back to office during evening time and do some paper works.. While on my way back home i saw hansina in train but she also like dont remember me but in the end she look at me and smile and she say she being who is this man infront of her because since to know me some where then in the end was secondary classmate...Lolz, she say i changed a lot since in the past.. she say i grow handsome and look more fit even my hair also grow longer, say i handsome leh... Reach home do what i alway do bathed and eat my dinner surf net check email and watch tv.. What a boring day, feel like wasting time..

Xiong at 6:46 AM

13 January 09, Tuesday

As normal during lunch time went to eat but this time was special i da bao back home to eat cause earl got something on so he send me back home first so while i was da bao food i saw this girl who look like rou rou and i confirm is her after look at her few more time but i never call her because she since to forget who am i, she changed a lot since 10 year ago... I remember last time i used to go her house very offen and we will play and run here and there then get scolded.. Now i know what is nu da shi ba bian...

Xiong at 6:38 AM

Thursday, January 01, 2009

27 December 08, Satursday
Went to jurong point with my 3rd sister and cousin but my sister always late de lor, forget it... Went there to shop actually they are accompany me to buy things in the end i was the one accompany them to shop... Both of that cake was done by my sister and wash fraking ugly and disgusting saliva on it who would dare to eat that.. Saw this food which dont look like cake but i still name it as cake look weird but still not bad so taken down the picture..

Xiong at 5:50 PM

Name:Jasper Liu Yusong

Nick:Xiong & Joy




Hobbie:Games(past), Music,Tvb Drama, Animation, ShoppinG, ChattinG

Me: I'm a person who is very easy go person and shy just that sometime i maybe be too picky

Hate: Injection, cockroach, Girl Who Smoke

Like: Drum/Piano/Taekwondo



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March 2005
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May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
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August 2006
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October 2007
November 2007
December 2008
January 2009

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